Saturday, January 9, 2010

Breakthrough Fast 2010 – Day 8 “Week 1 in the Books”

Week 1 is in the books. How did you do? If you have had a hiccup; don't quit. Shake it off and get back in the game.

I wish I could share with you all the powerful praise reports that I have received from people that are being blessed by Breakthrough Fast 2010. Listen to the feedback – “AMAZING! BLESSED! GRATEFUL! This is best thing I have ever done. The healing process has begun. I see the hand of God working in my life.” I praise God for the reports.

If you are on the fence about fasting this season; STOP THINKING. Just do it. It’s not too late. Believe me...God will reward your sacrifice.

Rev. CAM

- Read Daily Bible Verse for the Day
- Spend 45 minutes in prayer and meditation regarding goals
-Daily drink 1 gallon of water
- Write blog

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