Saturday, January 2, 2010

Breakthrough Fast 2010 - Day 1 "Seeking God's Face"

Today is my first day of The Breakthrough Fast 2010 (21 Day Daniel Fast). As the night sky gave way to the morning light, I woke up with these words in my spirit. “If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, pray, seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14 (NRSV)

This simple sentence suggests four powerful scenes to me:

Scene 1: "If my people who are called by my name..." No matter what I (we) have done, said or thought, I am (you are) still God’s people. God loves me. God loves you. We are God’s people. Don’t ever forget that.

Scene 2: “If my people...humble themselves, pray and seek my face...” My relationship with God must be a priority. In order for this to happen, you have to be intentional about seeking God. This may require that you adjust your schedule in order to find time to pray and meditate on the Word. You might have to wake up 30-45 minutes earlier in the morning, turn off the TV or the computer, put down the PDA or go to bed later so you can spend the necessary time to develop a more intimate relationship with God. Commit yourself to detailed accountability. Invest in a daily bible and a devotional book. Journal your spiritual progress every night. Open your spirit (humble yourself) to the conviction, the compassion and the comfort of the Word of God. Daily spiritual discipline is key to developing a more intimate relationship with God.

Scene 3: "...and turn from their wicked ways..." A sacrifice (fasting) seems hard when you have not made the choice to change. In this season of fasting, we have a choice. We can choose to live beneath God’s visions for our lives or we can choose to live the life that God intended for us. We can choose to acknowledge our sins, to be free and to come before God, naked and unashamed. Or we can choose to live in fear that our secrets will be discovered. We can choose to believe that we can’t fast. Or we can choose to believe that through fasting, prayer, the Word and our relationship with Jesus Christ that the broken places in our lives can be healed.

Scene 4: God desires a relationship with me (us). Then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” God is not distant. God is waiting for me; God is waiting for you, to seek Him, to worship Him, to thirst for Him. That is why I love Jesus so. Jesus made it possible for us to have such a relationship.

My prayer for you and for me these next 21 days is that we seek God humbly, eagerly and honestly. God wants to bless us spiritually, numerically and financially. God wants to heal our broken places. God wants to restore love and kindness to our lives and our relationships. God wants to deliver us from our strongholds. Are you ready to be blessed? Are you ready to seek God’s face with your family, your career, and your finances? If so, your breakthrough begins today!

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