Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Breakthrough Fast 2010 – Day 18 “Why Won’t My Kids Go to Sleep?”

I love my children. But it's 10:34P and they won’t go to sleep! Don’t they know that I have had a long day? Don’t they know I have to pack for my trip tomorrow? How many bed stories can we read? How many times can Jennifer tell them to go to sleep? UGH!

I have to go. My three year old and nine year old are fighting. And the two year is draped over the side of the crib with her dolly in one hand and her pacifier in the other hand screaming like Michael Buffer, “Let’s Get Ready to RUMBLE!!!”

18 Days of Fasting and Ready for My Kids to Go to Sleep,
Rev. CAM

Goals for Today
- Read Daily Bible Verse for the Day: DONE
- Spend 30 minutes in prayer and meditation: DONE
- Completed Day 18 of Daniel Fast: DONE- Write blog: DONE
-Drink 1 gallon of water: DONE!

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