Thursday, January 21, 2010

Breakthrough Fast 2010 – Day 19 “The Second Step”

I’m writing this blog from my adopted hometown of Detroit, MI. Big ups to all my people in the Midwest. Let me start by saying congratulations to everyone. We have almost made it. 19 days of fasting in the books. All we have to do is stay focus and keep the train on the rails. “NO problem, you say.” Good...because the last two days are always the toughest. But the one question I raise tonight is, “What’s next?”

For 19 days we have faithfully fasted. We have purified our bodies and our spirits of toxins and distractions. We have prayed. We have read scripture. And in some ways, we feel closer to God than we ever have felt. Now what? What are we going to do on Saturday? Are we going to revert back to our old ways, our old habits and our old traps? Are we going to keep reading our bibles daily? Are we going to continue to seek God’s face with our lives? I hope so. We have made such wonderful progress these past 19 days. We have taken the first step of faith --- we have made the pledge to trust God with our finances; to trust God with our relationships; to trust God with our careers; to trust God with our families. But that was only the first step.

The first step of faith is responding to what God has already spoken. John 10:10 (NIV) records Jesus’ saying, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” However, the second step of faith requires us to believe in the impossible. In the first step of faith, God is working in us and through us. In the second step of faith, God’s hands and the Holy Spirit are all around us. Like Abram, the first step of faith requires that we trust God’s promise (Genesis 12:1). The second step of faith requires that we trust God while at the same time letting go of the demand to know the details. While everything is possible with God, there are some things that are impossible without God. That is why the writer of Hebrew writes in 11:1 (NRSV), “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” Remember, once something is definite, once you can see it, feel it, touch it, it no longer requires faith. The second step of faith challenges us to believe in miracles; to have faith in the supernatural.

My point is simple; our journey of faith doesn’t end with the fast. The fast was only the first step. There is so much more that God wants to do for you. After Friday, I encourage you to keep stepping further into the realm of faith. Keep praying. Keep studying God’s word. Set aside times for periodic fasting. Congrats again on taking the first step; but don't get weary before you take the second.

19 Days of Fasting and Almost Home,
Rev. CAM

Goals for Today
- Read Daily Bible Verse for the Day: DONE
- Spend 30 minutes in prayer and meditation: DONE
- Completed Day 19 of Daniel Fast: DONE
- Write blog: DONE
-Drink 1 gallon of water: DONE!

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