Thursday, December 30, 2010
Become a Fan of CAM's Blog in 2011!
1. Just click the "Followers Widget" in the upper left hand side of this page.
2. And follow the instructions. It's just that simple. You will instantly become a fan.
With your prayers and support, we can expand our message about the good news of a risen savior named Jesus.
I look forward to sharing with you in 2011! And I look forward to you joining me and hundreds of others on The Breakthrough Fast 2011 ( 21 days of fasting, prayer and personal reflection starting January 2, 2011).
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
The Breakthrough Fast 2011 - Starts January 2, 2011
Last year, over 100 people participated in The Breakthrough Fast 2010 and were blessed by the experience. This year, our goal is to double that amount.
It is estimated that thousands of Christian people around the world will start the 2011 New Year with prayer and fasting. Starting January 2, 2011 through January 22, 2011, I invite you to join me and The Breakthrough Project on a 21-day fast (The Daniel Fast) to seek God and honor God for the New Year.
Over the 21 day period, I will be blogging about my spiritual journey. I encourage you to read daily with me. Or better yet, send me an email and share your story. You can also visit our website: and download our fasting booklet and devotional guide.
I know that God is going to do something special in our lives in 2011! Are you ready? I am!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Merry Christmas from The Breakthrough Project!
If you don't have a relationship with Jesus Christ, I present to you the baby Jesus. I'm not talking about church membership. I'm talking about a relationship with someone that you can be your true and authentic self. No more pretending. No more masks. Just YOU and a loving Savior.
If you are Starter in your faith, I pray that your relationship with Christ will continue to grow for the remainder of this season and into the New Year. If you are a Returner to the fellowship of believers, "Welcome Home". Just like the prodigal son, the Father is waiting to throw you a party. If you are a Benchwarmer (you go to church but you don't have an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ), I invite you to "get in the game" and move from being a "consumer of the Word" to being a disciple of Christ. And if you are a Disciple of Christ, I encourage you to continue to seek God, grow in God's grace and tell people of the good news of Jesus Christ.
Don't get me wrong. Enjoy the Christmas presents. Have fun and laughs with the family. Eat and drink and be merry with friends. But remember...Christmas is more than "Hallmark Moments". Christmas is about a baby name Jesus. The writer of Luke records, "But the angel said to them, Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord". (Luke 2:10-11)
From My Family to Yours...Merry Christmas!
Your Friend,
Charles Maxell, Jr. (Rev. CAM)
Friday, December 17, 2010
YOU made a difference!
Be sure to visit to see pictures of the items collected and our Mission to Serve team making the "Santa" delivery.
Merry Christmas! (Luke 2:1-20)
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Don't Call It a Comeback...
Just a week ago, The Breakthrough Project partnered with the Words of Comfort Ministries, Inc. and ministered to and fed over 200 women and children at the Eden Village transitional housing for women and children in Atlanta, GA. I’m not sure who was blessed more; the women and children or us.
Now we have embarked on collecting over 200 unwrapped toys and other goods for the Atlanta Children’s Shelter (ACS). We are already half-way to our goal but we need your help! We have 7 days to collect 100 unwrapped toys and other goods to hit our goal!
Would you consider posting this link: to your blog or Facebook, Twitter, MySpace or other social media accounts? The link (Winter 2010 Community Outreach) will provide instructions on how and what to donate. Or would you consider sending emails to friends and family and asking them to make a donation?
Our deadline is December 3rd, so we need your immediate assistance. Any gift will do. We will even purchase it for you. We can’t get to our goal without YOU!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Open Letter to My Family, Friends and Breakthrough Partners
Today, I stood before the Bishop and the Atlanta North GA Annual Conference and was confirmed for ordination to the office of Itinerant Elder in the African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME Church). This day and the ordination service to follow marks the end of a long journey (14 years) that started at St. James AME Church, Newark, NJ. It was in 1996 that I officially and publicly accepted the call to the ministry. But it was actually in the" manse" as a little boy in Midway, GA and in the crucible of Midway First Presbyterian Church that the seed for ministry was born. Wow! 14+ years to get to this point...Wow! Marvin Sapp is correct, "Never would have made it Never could have made it without you (God) I would have lost it all but now I see how you were there for me..."
This has been an incredible month. First, graduation from seminary after 6 long years of study. Now, full ordination in the AME Church. I wish I could express how I feel...but the words don't seem to flow. Just know...I am happy.
Let me thank God for choosing a flawed vessel like me for ministry. If I was God I would not have chosen me...but that's why I am not God. I pledge to do my best and to be open and amenable to God's will.
So now what...good question. I wish I had a good answer. All I know is that I am wiser and more mature than I was in 1996. I am more resolved in my faith and more trusting in its sustaining power. I am ready to claim my destiny and to do the work that God intends for me to do. My goal is to become a successful pastor. Success will not be judged by church membership, book titles that bear my name, or a calendar filled with speaking invitations; but success will be judged by my ability to win souls for the Lord and to lead people to an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.
I pray that my ministry will affirm to those without faith and to that whose faith is waning, that the God of their past will also be the God of their future. And most importantly, that Jesus loves them... and so do I.
My work continues.
Charles Maxell, Jr. (aka Rev. CAM)
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
The Adversary Is Always Busy
A lot has happened since the last time we spoke. The day after The Breakthrough Fast 2010 ended, I had a scary car accident on my way to 745A service. I'm OK. But my car was totalled. (Thank God for car insurance!)
In short, a young man was driving too fast on wet pavement, lost control of his car, started tail spinning, crossed two lanes of traffic and without warning...crashed into my car. It happened so fast I did not have time to react. Just before the spirit told me to slow down a little more than usual. I'm glad I did. For while the young man's car crashed into mine at a high rate of speed...we both walked away without a scratch. Praise God. For just last weekend, two people were killed at the same intersection.
The past two weeks have been challenging for me. The car crash reminded me how precious and fleeting life is. Without warning, I could have been killed. Scripture says, "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." (Matthew 24:36) The crash reminded me that every moment is precious. Every moment is a gift from God. Don't get me wrong. I am not scarred or worried about tomorrow. I acknowledge my fear...but I am not controlled by it. More so, I am just reminded to cherish life's moments and to love the people in my life. Life is not a dress rehearsal. Everyday, God's grace and mercy give me an opportunity to get life right.
It also reminded me that the Adversary is always busy. Just the day before...I was euphoric about the stories I had heard at The Breakthrough Project; about the yokes that had been lifted and the lives that were being healed as a result of our 21 day fast. In my own life, the 21 day fast had centered me and brought me a new sense of peace. However, the past two weeks reminded me that there is a misconception that people have, that the only time they have tough times is when they’re disobeying God. That’s not true. When you’re going through a tough time, don’t automatically assume, “I must be out of the will of God.” You may be exactly where God wants you to be. The fact is God has not promised us a storm-free life. This is not heaven where everything is perfect and where God’s will is perfectly done. People make mistakes, and sometimes people get hurt. That’s why we are to pray, "Thy will be done on earth like it is in heaven."Every day, you have choices. You can believe that God is in control and believe that God is taking care of you. Or you can panic and go around worried, expecting the worse, and wondering if you will make it.
The Adversary may be busy. However, I declare my trust in God.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Support 4 Haiti - The Prayers were Heard and the Goal Was Met!
But we realize that it will take more than money to rebuild Haiti. As a result, we are making plans to make a mission trip to Haiti to lend our hands, our feet and our skills in the rebuilding effort.
The Breakthrough Project is committed to live up to its mission to be a blessing in the lives of God's people in our community and around the world. Together, we can change lives, build community, save our planet and help broken people find wholeness.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Breakthrough Fast 2010 – Day 21 “The Fast is Broken”
Let me also say, thank you. Thank you to the many of you who joined me and The Breakthrough Project on the Daniel Fast. I wish I could share with you all the stories I have heard the past 21 days. I have heard stories of supernatural healing. I have heard stories of new revelations and clarity after years of confusion and doubt. I have heard stories of people overcoming strongholds that have blocked their blessings and made them feel distant from God. I have also heard of couples praying together when divorce was a possibility. I have 5 words for this..."To God Be the Glory!”
Now the time comes to break the fast. Breaking the fast is the most difficult period after the fast; it requires discipline and self-control. I would be lying if I didn’t think about getting out of bed last night around 12:01 AM to find a 24 hour Starbucks for a Grande cup of coffee. And Lord knows that the sweet taste of Crown Royal Special Reserve “on ice would be nice.” But I encourage you, like I did for myself, to remember how good the Lord has been. Remember how you feel right now. The toxins of over consumption have been purged from your body. Remember how close you feel to God. While God has not given me a new vision, the vision I have been given for my life seems even clearer and more visible to me. Remember that a single fast is not a spiritual cure-all. Just as we need fresh in fillings of the Holy Spirit daily, we also need new times of fasting before God. Therefore, breaking this fast is not the end; it is only the beginning to a season of fasting I am challenging you and me to undertake in 2010.
Here are my tips for breaking the fast:
1. Take the 2nd Step of Faith (see Day 19 for more details)
- “In his heart a man plans his course, but it is the Lord who determines his steps.” (Proverbs 16:9)
- The fast was only the first step (John10:10). Now, it is time to take the second step. Whatever you were praying for --- expect God to do the supernatural in that situation (Hebrews 11:1).
- It takes time to build your spiritual fasting muscles. If you fail to make it through your first fast, do not be discouraged. You may have tried to fast too long the first time out, or your may need to strengthen your understanding and resolve. As soon as possible, undertake another fast until you do succeed. God will honor you for your faithfulness.
2. Make Time with the Lord a Priority
- Don’t fall back into old habits and allow the busyness of life to thwart the benefits and the blessings that you have experienced the past 21 days.
- Begin your day in praise and worship. Praise God for the renewed relationship you have with Him and for the works He is doing in your life.
-Invite the Holy Spirit to work in and through you (Philippians 2:13).
- Make a commitment to daily periods of pray, study and mediation.
3. Make a Commitment to a Healthy Lifestyle
- Do not overeat! Listen to your body. Discover the amount of food that your body needs to live a vibrant, healthy lifestyle.
-Discern the difference between cravings and hunger. Never feed your emotions by eating.
-Drink plenty of water.
-Educate yourself on how to begin a lifestyle of healthy eating.
-In addition to healthy eating, make time for exercise and rest.
I hope you have enjoyed my blogging the past 21 says. I have enjoyed sharing with you my thoughts and have grown during this experience. I start my last semester of seminary this week. So I will not be blogging every day. However, stay tuned. The response to my blog has been so positive. I have made the commitment to blog at least twice a week. So keep reading and sending in your encouraging words.
Pray for me. I am praying for you. And prepare to experience the power of a refreshed vision and to receive the blessings and the breakthroughs that God has in store for your life in 2010!
Rev. CAM
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Breakthrough Fast 2010 – Day 20 “The Lord is Near”
The time has come for you to get out of your head. The time has come for you to live a life worthy of Christ’s sacrifice. The time has come for you to stop making excuses for what you can’t do. Yeah, you got yourself in debt but you don’t have to stay there. Make the commitment today to tithe, save, invest and learn how to become a better steward of your resources. Yeah, your body might be failing you but your mind and mouth still work. Therefore, call someone today and tell that Jesus loves them. Yeah, you might not be able to do like you use to but as long as you are breathing and in your right mind, you can still be productive and do God’s work. Stop telling yourself that “You’re too old. You’re too young.” Stop telling yourself, “I will help tithe and be a blessing to the kingdom once I get my finances straight.” Don’t waste time on negative thoughts. God has a plan for your life. Let your gentleness be known to everyone. The Lord is near.
20 Days of Fasting and 1 Day Left,
Rev. CAM
Goals for Today
- Read Daily Bible Verse for the Day: DONE
- Spend 30 minutes in prayer and meditation: DONE
- Completed Day 20 of Daniel Fast: DONE
- Write blog: DONE
-Drink 1 gallon of water: DONE!
Breakthrough Fast 2010 – Day 19 “The Second Step”
For 19 days we have faithfully fasted. We have purified our bodies and our spirits of toxins and distractions. We have prayed. We have read scripture. And in some ways, we feel closer to God than we ever have felt. Now what? What are we going to do on Saturday? Are we going to revert back to our old ways, our old habits and our old traps? Are we going to keep reading our bibles daily? Are we going to continue to seek God’s face with our lives? I hope so. We have made such wonderful progress these past 19 days. We have taken the first step of faith --- we have made the pledge to trust God with our finances; to trust God with our relationships; to trust God with our careers; to trust God with our families. But that was only the first step.
The first step of faith is responding to what God has already spoken. John 10:10 (NIV) records Jesus’ saying, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” However, the second step of faith requires us to believe in the impossible. In the first step of faith, God is working in us and through us. In the second step of faith, God’s hands and the Holy Spirit are all around us. Like Abram, the first step of faith requires that we trust God’s promise (Genesis 12:1). The second step of faith requires that we trust God while at the same time letting go of the demand to know the details. While everything is possible with God, there are some things that are impossible without God. That is why the writer of Hebrew writes in 11:1 (NRSV), “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” Remember, once something is definite, once you can see it, feel it, touch it, it no longer requires faith. The second step of faith challenges us to believe in miracles; to have faith in the supernatural.
My point is simple; our journey of faith doesn’t end with the fast. The fast was only the first step. There is so much more that God wants to do for you. After Friday, I encourage you to keep stepping further into the realm of faith. Keep praying. Keep studying God’s word. Set aside times for periodic fasting. Congrats again on taking the first step; but don't get weary before you take the second.
19 Days of Fasting and Almost Home,
Rev. CAM
Goals for Today
- Read Daily Bible Verse for the Day: DONE
- Spend 30 minutes in prayer and meditation: DONE
- Completed Day 19 of Daniel Fast: DONE
- Write blog: DONE
-Drink 1 gallon of water: DONE!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Breakthrough Fast 2010 – Day 18 “Why Won’t My Kids Go to Sleep?”
I have to go. My three year old and nine year old are fighting. And the two year is draped over the side of the crib with her dolly in one hand and her pacifier in the other hand screaming like Michael Buffer, “Let’s Get Ready to RUMBLE!!!”
18 Days of Fasting and Ready for My Kids to Go to Sleep,
Rev. CAM
Goals for Today
- Read Daily Bible Verse for the Day: DONE
- Spend 30 minutes in prayer and meditation: DONE
- Completed Day 18 of Daniel Fast: DONE- Write blog: DONE
-Drink 1 gallon of water: DONE!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Breakthrough Fast 2010 – Day 17 “Today Was a Good Day”
Yes, racism and prejudice still exist. Yes, poverty still exists. Yes, war and disease still exist. However, for a few hours today, I saw what Dr. King dreamed about. As I looked at my children and my wife’s faces, I saw hope for tomorrow. I saw the possibilities that the world has. I saw the beauty that God created. And as I scanned the crowd of people marching and those standing on the sidelines, I saw something else...I saw all of God’s children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, joining hands and singing the words of the old Negro spiritual, “Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!
Dr. Martin and Coretta Scott King --- thank you!
17 Days of Fasting and Still Going Strong,
Rev. CAM
Goals for Today
- Read Daily Bible Verse for the Day: DONE
- Spend 30 minutes in prayer and meditation: DONE
- Completed Day 17 of Daniel Fast: DONE- Write blog: DONE
-Drink 1 gallon of water: DONE!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Breakthrough Fast 2010 – Day 16 “Do You Like What You See?”
The longer I live and the more I see, the more I am made aware of the fact that the most difficult thing we face in life is not racism, prejudice or “the man.” Instead, it is the person that we see everyday --- the person that Michael Jackson referred to as the “man in the mirror.” Often, instead of facing our issues, we project our prejudices and addictions on other people or on other things. Instead of facing our problems, we blame others for the things we fail to do for ourselves. And often, instead of taking responsibility for our lives, we become angry and even blame God for our past sins by asking, “God, why did you make me this way?” But undoubtedly, the day will come for you, like it did for me, when the Word of the Lord will hit you and force you to look at yourself and honestly admit, “My problems are not because of somebody or something --- my problems are because of me.”
That is why is verse 61, when the Lord turned and looked at Peter, it was not a look of disappointment or of anger; it was a look of Love. Jesus had already called it. It was no surprise to Jesus that Peter would deny him. Instead of disowning him or cursing him, Jesus prayed that Peter might find Forgiveness during his time of trial. The cock crowing did not bring condemnation; it only signaled a moment. It signaled a moment of Grace and Mercy at work in and through the Word of the Lord. So the next time you look in the mirror and you don’t like what you see, pray Lord I know I have broken my vows and I forgotten your word, but I stretch my hands to thee. No other help I know. You are the potter and I am the clay. Mold me and make me according to your will. I am ready to be converted. I am ready to be turn inside out and outside in by your word. That is why the old folks use to sing, “Don’t you think it makes him sad to see the way we live, but Jesus always says, “I will forgive. I will forgive.” Jesus forgave Peter. Jesus will forgive you.
16 Days of Fasting and Still Going Strong,
Rev. CAM
Goals for Today
- Read Daily Bible Verse for the Day: DONE
- Spend 30 minutes in prayer and meditation: DONE
- Completed Day 16 of Daniel Fast: DONE
- Write blog: DONE
-Drink 1 gallon of water: DONE!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Breakthrough Fast 2010 Day 15 - A Special Appeal - Support 4 Haiti
At the request of President Obama, President Clinton and President Bush joined him this morning for a joint news conference to announce the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund. The purpose of this fund is “to identify and fulfill unmet needs in the region, foster economic opportunity, improve the quality of life of those affected over the long term, and assist the people of Haiti as they rebuild their lives and country. Presidents Clinton and Bush will oversee the CBHF through their respective nonprofit organizations, the William J. Clinton Foundation and Communities Foundation of Texas. One hundred percent of the donations made to the Clinton Foundation go directly to relief efforts. Ninety-nine percent of the donations made to the Communities Foundation of Texas go directly to relief efforts.”
I know you want to help. Therefore, join us and countless people around the world in this mission of love. The goal of The Breakthrough Project is to raise $1000 by next Saturday, January 23rd to contribute to the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund. A special prayer will be made and an offering taken during The Breakthrough Circle.
Earlier this week, I asked you to pray for Haiti and Her People. Now I am asking you to contribute generously to help Haiti and Her People with food, clean water, shelter and clothing. The Word says, “Faith without works is dead.” (James 2:20) Haiti and her people need our prayers. But more than that, they need our money.
To contribute, you can pool your donations with ours (link below) or you can contribute directly
to the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund. I don’t care how you do it. Just do something. TOGETHER, we can help our sisters and brothers in need.
Yours in Christ,
Rev. CAM and Lady J
Breakthrough Fast 2010 – Day 14 “Happy Birthday to a King” (Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.)
“Like anybody, I would like to live a long life ---longevity has its place. But I’m not concerned about that now. I just want to do God’s will. (Yeah) And he has allowed me to go the mountain top. (Go ahead) And I have looked over (Yes, Sir!) and I have seen the Promised Land. [Applause] (Go ahead). And I’m so happy tonight; I’m not worried about anything; I’m not fearing any man. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord.” [Applause][1]
Today, as I reflect on Dr. King’s legacy and celebrate his birth, I challenge you and myself to not grow weary or complacent but keep “straining toward what is ahead, pressing on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called us in Christ Jesus.”[2] Like everybody, I want to live a long life --- “longevity has it place. But I am not concerned about that now. I just want to do God’s will.” Therefore, I challenge us to make Dr. King’s dream a reality. Mentor a child. Give back to your community. Stand up for justice and use your gifts to bless God’s children. The outcome of tomorrow begins today. Therefore, let us get to work. TOGETHER, we can make tomorrow better --- than yesterday and today.
Goals for Today
- Read Daily Bible Verse for the Day: DONE
- Spend 30 minutes in prayer and meditation: DONE
- Completed Day 14 of Daniel Fast: DONE
- Write blog: DONE
-Drink 1 gallon of water: DONE!
[1] Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers Project Speeches, “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop”
[2] Adaptation of Philippians 3:14
Breakthrough Fast 2010 – Day 13 “Jesus Is On The Boat”
Mark records that in the midst of the pandemonium “Jesus was asleep on a pillow.” The good news beloved is that when the storms come in our lives JESUS IS ON THE BOAT. We tend to forget that when the storms of life arise. We think we’re all alone. We think that God is far away. But in verse 35, Jesus says, “Let us go to the other side.” He didn’t say “You go over to the other side and I will meet you there.” No. He said, “Let US go to the other side.” What that tells me is that I am never alone. In my good times, Jesus is with me. In my bad times, Jesus is with me. For the bible says, God has promised every believer, "I am with you always." And "I will never leave you nor forsake you.” So the next time you find yourself in the middle of a storm, don’t panic about the strength or the duration of the storm. JESUS IS ON THE BOAT. That is why sometimes in the midst of the storm you have to minister to yourself and say, “I’m not sure why I am in this storm. And I’m not sure how I am going to get out of it. But one thing I do know --- Jesus is on the boat.
Goals for Today
- Read Daily Bible Verse for the Day: DONE
- Spend 30 minutes in prayer and meditation: DONE
- Completed Day 13 of Daniel Fast: DONE
- Write blog: DONE
-Drink 1 gallon of water: DONE!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Breakthrough Fast 2010 – Day 12 “A Prayer for Haiti and Her People”
Tonight as I write this blog, the words of Psalm 102 came to mind. Writing from a bed of affliction, the Psalmist wrote, “Hear my prayer, O Lord; let my cry come to you. Do not hide your face from me in the day of my distress. Incline your ear to me; answer me speedily in the day when I call.” (Psalm 102:1-2) But despite the Psalmist afflictions, the Psalmist continues by saying “For the Lord will build up Zion; he will appear in his glory. He will regard the prayer of the destitute, and will not despise their prayer.” (Psalm 102:16-17) God heard that prayer. God will hear Haiti’s prayer.
Pray with me for Haiti and Her People.
Rev. CAM
- Read Daily Bible Verse for the Day: DONE
- Spend 45 minutes in prayer and meditation regarding goals: DONE
-Daily drink 1 gallon of water: DONE
- Write blog: DONE
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Breakthrough Fast 2010 – Day 11 “Glad to be Home”
After two days of travel, prospect and client meetings, conference calls and the normal stress of being a corporate executive and frequent business traveler, I felt like the crack addict, Pookie (Chris Rock) in the movie “New Jack City” as I waited for my flight home tonight. Remember when Pookie tried to go undercover. Big mistake. Remember the scene with Pookie and Scotty (Ice T): “I tried to kick... but that shit just be callin' me man, it be callin' me, man... I just got to go to it!” Let’s just say... Pookie didn’t make it as an undercover cop!
Don’t worry. I didn’t fall off the wagon. But let’s just say... I’m glad to be home.
Day 11 and Still Going Strong!
Rev. CAM
- Read Daily Bible Verse for the Day: DONE
- Spend 45 minutes in prayer and meditation regarding goals: DONE
-Daily drink 1 gallon of water: It’s killing me but DONE
- Write blog: DONE
Monday, January 11, 2010
Breakthrough Fast 2010 – Day 9 and 10 “Let’s Have a Garage Sale!”
If we know that God is faithful, why do we settle? I believe we settle because we are afraid to grow. I don’t mean grow physically --- I mean to grow spiritually. That is what happened to Terah, the father of Abram. The bible records that instead of fulfilling his vision and reaching Canaan; he settled in Haran and eventually died there. Is that where you are? Are you living in Haran; content to die there? Has God given you a vision? But instead of walking in your destiny, are you are too busy sightseeing and shopping? Or are you too afraid to risk failure?
The bible doesn’t say why Terah settled in Haran. Maybe he became complacent and stagnant in his walk with God. Maybe he stopped dreaming and pushing towards his goal. It is so much easier to choose to stay Haran. Oh, there are other words for Haran --- average, mediocre, normal, compliant, predictable, safe and the lists go on and on. However, in order to grow (spiritually, financially, professionally, numerically or physically) you have to deal with the tension caused by the pain of failure versus the pain of regret.
To grow spiritually, you have to surrender everything to God. This type of surrender is not waving a white flag and hanging one’s head in defeat. Surrender, in this context, means unpacking your emotional baggage. Unfortunately, most of us create “neat little storage spaces” to hide our baggage. Time passes and we try to forget that the baggage is in the storage space. But every time we move into a new relationship, a new job or new vision, we continue to pay the storage fees. We take with us the same old anger, the same old hurts, the same old wounded feelings, the same fears, the same doubts and the same old regrets that have weighed us down for so many years. And instead of growing into the mature Christians that God wants us to be, we settle for what life gives us instead of what life can be.
I don’t know about you. I’m tired of settling. I’m tired of living below the vision that God has for my life. I ready to risk failure if it allows me to walk in my destiny. In this period of fasting, let’s have a garage sale!
- Read Daily Bible Verse for the Day: DONE
- Spend 45 minutes in prayer and meditation regarding goals: DONE
-Daily drink 1 gallon of water: It’s killing me but DONE
- Write blog: DONE
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Breakthrough Fast 2010 – Day 8 “Week 1 in the Books”
I wish I could share with you all the powerful praise reports that I have received from people that are being blessed by Breakthrough Fast 2010. Listen to the feedback – “AMAZING! BLESSED! GRATEFUL! This is best thing I have ever done. The healing process has begun. I see the hand of God working in my life.” I praise God for the reports.
If you are on the fence about fasting this season; STOP THINKING. Just do it. It’s not too late. Believe me...God will reward your sacrifice.
Rev. CAM
- Read Daily Bible Verse for the Day
- Spend 45 minutes in prayer and meditation regarding goals
-Daily drink 1 gallon of water
- Write blog
Breakthrough Fast 2010 – Day 7 “Move Beyond Resolutions to Breakthroughs”
At the beginning of each year, we make resolutions to live better, eat better, love better and save better. However, after the initial enthusiasm of a New Year wanes and the pressures and realities of life return, unfortunately, remnants of complacency return and the strongholds of resistance to change slowly begin to seep into our minds. And truth be told, the noble promises that we made to ourselves in January turn into another set of hollow resolutions that are easily broken and eventually discarded by February.
During this period of fasting, I encourage you to submit to God’s plan for your life. New beginnings start and breakthroughs are possible at that moment you realize that you are powerless to change yourself. But an encounter with Jesus can change you forever. If you submit to God, You can live debt free. If you submit to God, You can find love and happiness. You can live an active and healthy lifestyle. You can rebuke the Adversary and live in the favor and under the authority of the Holy Spirit. You can live the life that God has promised. And most importantly, You can move beyond resolutions to breakthroughs!
7 Days of Fasting and Still Going Strong!
Rev. CAM
Goals for Today
- Read Daily Bible Verse for the Day: DONE
- Spend 30 minutes in prayer and meditation: DONE
- Completed Day 7 of Daniel Fast: DONE
- Write blog: DONE
-Drink 1 gallon of water: DONE!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Breakthrough Fast 2010 – Day 6 “You Have only One Master”
For those of you out of town, Chops Lobster Bar is known for its fine wines, sumptuous steaks, generous portions and of course, lobster. Let me give you a sense of the menu tonight: Jumbo Lump Crab Cocktail with Crab Mustard and Cocktail Sauce. Jumbo Gulf Shrimp. Lobster Bisque. FRENCH BURGUNDY ESCARGOT baked in a small pastry crock and garlic butter. Oysters Rockefeller. YUM! And these were the appetizers. Then came the salad, the soup and the main course: US Prime Steaks cooked to perfection. Surf and turf, king crab, lobster, fish and every possible combination of wine you can imagine. “Sir, what you would like to order?” “I will take a vegetable plate and a glass of water. Plenty of lemons please!” UGH!! :)
After a few minutes at the table, I could hear Curtis Blow rapping "The Message" in my head: “Don't push me cause I'm close to the edge. I'm trying not to lose my head, ah huh-huh-huh say what? It's like a jungle sometimes it makes me wonder... how I keep from going under. It's like a jungle sometimes it makes me wonder... how I keep from going under...”
I share this with you to say, I have my moments on this fast. But when I lose focus, I think of the words found in Matthew 23:10, “You have only one Master, the Christ.” Unplugged and uncensored, Jesus reminds us that you don’t need elaborate prayers or special VIP access to seek God. All you have to do is call. So as the plates were passed and the glasses were filled, I called on God.
“That steak looks good. But God I love you more. That wine smells so sweet. But God I love you more. That dessert looks enticing...and you know I love chocolate. But God I love you more.
That is all that was needed. The more I called on God. The more the hunger pains went away. The more I focused on God the more the temptations subsided. Tonight, I won the battle over the eyes and the stomach. The Adversary won’t give up that easy. There will be other battles. But I will be ready.
I have to go to bed now. I feel the Adversary trying to make a comeback.
Sincerely –
In Love with Jesus....but one hungry brother! :)
Goals for Today
- Read Daily Bible Verse for the Day: DONE
- Spend 30 minutes in prayer and meditation: DONE
- Completed Day 5 of Daniel Fast: DONE
- Write blog: DONE
-Drink 1 gallon of water: DONE!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Breakthrough Fast 2010 – Day 5 "Can You Carry the Weight?"
The Word does not say that you won’t be challenged beyond your ability. It doesn’t say that you want be stressed close to your breaking point. It doesn’t say that you won't be tested or tempted beyond your threshold of comfort. It doesn’t say that you won’t be driven close to the edge of destruction. In reality, there are times that God gives us more than we can bear. There are times when the pink slip comes. There are the times that the divorce papers arrive. There are times when the doctor delivers a negative report. There are the times when a loved one disappoints us. There are the times when our children go astray. And there are times when we are assailed by doubts; pummeled by demands and drenched by the waves of fear. In life, you will go through situations that are more than you can bear alone. But Hallelujah --- you don’t have to bear them by yourself. For it is only when you can’t carry the weight that the strength of Jesus Christ kicks in.
What weight are you carrying? How much longer can you bear it? The good news I bring to you is ---the strength of Jesus Christ is available to YOU.
In this season of fasting, seek God! Worship God! Trust God! Unexpected life event! God I trust you! Lost job. God I trust you! Failed relationship. God I trust you! More bills than money. God I trust you! Struggling business. God I trust you! Haters all around you. God I trust you! Diagnosed with cancer. God I trust you! Kids tripping! Husband hoeing! Wife nagging! God I trust you!
God will NOT give you more than God can bear.
Goals for Today
- Read Daily Bible Verse for the Day: DONE
- Spend 30 minutes in prayer and meditation: DONE
- Completed Day 5 of Daniel Fast: DONE
- Write blog: DONE
-Drink 1 gallon of water: A Work in Progress!
***Special shout-out to Brenda and Taurice. Thanks for taking this spiritual journey with me. If you are partaking in The Breakthrough Fast 2010, post a comment.
Breakthrough Fast 2010 – Day 4 "Grace for the Moment"
I’m glad to report that I am spending more time in personal bible reading, prayer and meditation. Usually I am reading to write a paper, a bible study or a sermon. But I am seeing how important it is for me to have my own personal prayer time. That is why I am committed to reading the entire bible this year. There are many daily bibles and devotional tools to choose from. I am using Grace for the Moment - Daily Bible by Max Lucado. He is one of my favorite writers. ( When I think about having an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ --- this season of fasting has reminded me that it begins and ends with spending time with the Lord. Therefore, make time to spend with God. Make prayer and meditation a priority in your life. I believe it is through our daily studying of God’s Word that spiritual growth and healing occurs. And it is through our prayer life that the Holy Spirit anoints us with a fresh portion of God’s grace. That is why the Psalmist wrote: “We are your (God’s) people, the sheep of your (God’s) flock.” Psalm 79:13 God is waiting to hear from you.
Let me give a shout-out to a few people ---the Willis Sistas, Tabatha, Angela, Kim, Ann-Marie, Sam and Monique, my mother, Gran, The Breakthrough Family and of course the queen of the house, Jennifer. Thank you for taking this spiritual journey with me.
One last item...there have been a lot of requests for recipes and food ides for the Daniel fast. Here are some resources to check out:
Goals for Today
- Read Daily Bible Verse for the Day: DONE
- Spend 30 minutes in prayer and meditation: DONE
- Completed Day 4 of Daniel Fast: DONE
- Write blog: DONE
-Drink 1 gallon of water: Still work in progress!
Monday, January 4, 2010
Breakthrough Fast 2010 – Day 3 “The Question”
I admit...I thought she was trying to be sarcastic. But the more we talked the more I discovered that she was searching for answers that I had already discovered. She was searching for the answers that prayers give. She was searching for the answers that are found in God’s Word. So, instead of getting mad or blowing off her question, I shared with her my story.
I shared with her how fasting at the beginning of 2009 opened up so many doors for me and how my career, my ministry and my family were blessed by my act of worship and obedience. I shared with her how fasting removes the clutter from my life. I shared with her my belief that fasting is one of the most powerful weapons that God has given us to fight the Adversary. I shared with her how people of faith around the world are fasting at this time in worship and reverence to God. And I shared with her how excited I was about fasting again this year; about the new visions and the new purpose God was revealing to me for 2010.
I’m not sure my witness made her a believer. But I thank God for the questions. For without the questions, I would not have had the chance to tell someone about the joy of knowing Jesus Christ!
During this period of fasting, share your story with someone. You never know what God can do through you.
Goals for Today
- Read Daily Bible Verses: DONE
- Spend 30 minutes in prayer and mediation: DONE
- Completed Day 3 of Daniel Fast: DONE
- Write Blog: DONE
- Drink 1 Gallon of Water: UGH! A work in progress!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Breakthrough Fast 2010 – Day 2 “I SURVIVED!”
Today was a long day. Church was good but after 2 services, my caffeine withdrawal made my temples feel like my head was about to explode. When I got home, I tried to take a nap in order to sleep the pain away and to escape my cravings for some of Gran's "mouth-watering" banana pudding. Or my mother's collard greens with ham hocks. Or the left over fried chicken. (I'm sorry...I digress.) But there is no sleeping in a house with a 2, 3 and 9 year old.
I started to turn to my wife for comfort and support. But did I tell you that she is doing the fast with me? Simply put, Mama wasn’t happy today. To escape my cravings and the lingering temptations of Christmas and New Year’s dinner, I went to a place that always makes me happy --- Barnes and Nobles. Big mistake. As soon as I walked in the door, I ran into the sweetest aroma I have ever experienced --- Starbucks coffee and chocolate chip cookies. OK...I’m being dramatic. I know the bible says that we should not covet another man’s wife. But does that mean Starbucks and sweets as well?
I sound like a baby, you say. You are right. I’m being a baby. I admit it. Fasting is not a punishment; it’s a privilege. Where is my bible? I need more pray. Tomorrow will be a better day.
“When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show men they are fasting. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. 17But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, 18so that it will not be obvious to men that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” (Matthew 6:16-18) Obviously Matthew never had a Starbucks addiction.
Goals for Today
- Pick 2 areas to focus on for my fast: DONE
- Read Daily Bible Verse for January 3rd (my goal for 2010 is to read the entire bible): DONE
- Spend 30 minutes in prayer and meditation: DONE
- Completed Day 2 of Daniel Fast: DONE
- Write blog: DONE
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Breakthrough Fast 2010 - Day 1 "Seeking God's Face"
This simple sentence suggests four powerful scenes to me:
Scene 1: "If my people who are called by my name..." No matter what I (we) have done, said or thought, I am (you are) still God’s people. God loves me. God loves you. We are God’s people. Don’t ever forget that.
Scene 2: “If my people...humble themselves, pray and seek my face...” My relationship with God must be a priority. In order for this to happen, you have to be intentional about seeking God. This may require that you adjust your schedule in order to find time to pray and meditate on the Word. You might have to wake up 30-45 minutes earlier in the morning, turn off the TV or the computer, put down the PDA or go to bed later so you can spend the necessary time to develop a more intimate relationship with God. Commit yourself to detailed accountability. Invest in a daily bible and a devotional book. Journal your spiritual progress every night. Open your spirit (humble yourself) to the conviction, the compassion and the comfort of the Word of God. Daily spiritual discipline is key to developing a more intimate relationship with God.
Scene 3: "...and turn from their wicked ways..." A sacrifice (fasting) seems hard when you have not made the choice to change. In this season of fasting, we have a choice. We can choose to live beneath God’s visions for our lives or we can choose to live the life that God intended for us. We can choose to acknowledge our sins, to be free and to come before God, naked and unashamed. Or we can choose to live in fear that our secrets will be discovered. We can choose to believe that we can’t fast. Or we can choose to believe that through fasting, prayer, the Word and our relationship with Jesus Christ that the broken places in our lives can be healed.
Scene 4: God desires a relationship with me (us). “Then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” God is not distant. God is waiting for me; God is waiting for you, to seek Him, to worship Him, to thirst for Him. That is why I love Jesus so. Jesus made it possible for us to have such a relationship.
My prayer for you and for me these next 21 days is that we seek God humbly, eagerly and honestly. God wants to bless us spiritually, numerically and financially. God wants to heal our broken places. God wants to restore love and kindness to our lives and our relationships. God wants to deliver us from our strongholds. Are you ready to be blessed? Are you ready to seek God’s face with your family, your career, and your finances? If so, your breakthrough begins today!