Monday, January 3, 2011

Breakthrough Fast 2011 – Day 2 Open Your Hands

Today my son Max asked me for some candy. First, I thought...I can’t believe this kid is asking me for some candy. Doesn’t he know that I’m fasting!? But you know kids...they ask for what they want. Anyway, me being the good father, I said ok. As I reached to give Max the candy, he fell out on the floor. “I don’t want that one, I want this one.” And let me tell you...that little boy wouldn't take it. Instead, he closed his hands and folded his arms. I said, “Max. Open your hands so I can give you the candy.” But he refused. “That is not the one I wanted,” he screamed. Instead of getting irate or taking my candy and walking away, I said, “Son. It is too bad that you didn’t take the one I gave you. To be honest, because I love you so, I was going to give you this candy, the one you wanted and so much more.”
Beloved, that is how we are sometimes. We ask God for blessings, breakthroughs, visions and deliverance. But when God doesn’t give us what we want the way we want it, we “close our hands”, pout and tell God that we don’t want it. But I hate to tell you...fasting without prayer won’t give you what you want. You might lose weight but it won’t get you closer to God. Asking God for a financial breakthrough won’t happen, if you are not willing to sacrifice your wants in order to receive your needs. Removing depression, loneliness and anxiety from our lives won’t happen, if we are not willing to surrender our hurts and fears to the Lord. And I don’t care how hard you work, until you “open your hands” to the Lord, God will never be able to pour into them or your family, your marriage, your relationships, your business or your career, “a blessing you would not be able to receive.” (Reference from Malachi 3:10)

2 Days of Fasting and Still Going Strong! Despite the temptations of a 4 year old!
Rev. CAM

Goals for Today
- Read Daily Bible Verse for the Day: DONE
- Spend 30 minutes in prayer and meditation: DONE
- Completed Day 2 of The Breakthrough Fast 2011: DONE
- Write blog: DONE
-Drink 1 gallon of water: Still work in progress!

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