Sunday, January 23, 2011

Breakthrough Fast 2011 – Day 21 “The Fast is Broken”

The fast is broken. It’s Sunday morning, January 23rd. 21 Days of fasting is complete. How do you feel? I don’t know about you but I feel great. Physically, mentally and spiritually I feel refreshed and revived. I started this fast with 2 simple goals in mind. I wanted to fast for the discipline to walk in the vision that God has given me. And I wanted to honor God for the New Year. I don’t know about you...but I feel the hand of God working in my life and I claim the authority, the blessings, the favor, the strength and the cross that comes by being a child of the King.

Let me also say, thank you. Thank you for the many of you who have joined me and The Breakthrough Project on the Daniel Fast. I pray that everyone has been renewed and revived as a result of this experience.

Now the time comes to break the fast. Breaking the fast is the most difficult period after the fast; it requires discipline and self-control. I encourage you, to ease back into a normal eating pattern. We have cleansed our body of a lot of toxins the past 21 days. Be easy on the grease, the caffeine and the sugar. Your body will thank you later for it. Also, remember that a single fast is not a spiritual cure-all. Just as we need fresh in fillings of the Holy Spirit daily, we also need new times of fasting before God. Therefore, breaking this fast is not the end; it is only the beginning to a season of fasting that I am challenging you and me to continue in 2011.

Here are my tips for breaking the fast:

1. Take the 2nd Step of Faith
The fast was only the first step. Now, it is time to take the second step. Whatever you were praying for --- expect God to do the supernatural in that situation (Hebrews 11:1).

2. Make Time with the Lord a Priority
- Don’t fall back into old habits and allow the busyness of life to thwart the benefits and the blessings that you have experienced the past 21 days.
- Make a commitment to daily periods of pray, study and mediation.

3. Make a Commitment to a Healthy Lifestyle
- Do not overeat! Listen to your body. Discover the amount of food that your body needs to live a vibrant, healthy lifestyle.

I hope you have enjoyed my blogging these past 21 days. Stay tuned for future posts. Pray for me. I am praying for you.

All the best,

Rev. CAM

Friday, January 21, 2011

Breakthrough Fast 2011 - Day 18, 19 and 20 “Write the Vision; Make it Plain”

I’m sorry I missed blogging Days 18 and 19. I have been a little busy balancing the responsibilities of family, work and preparing for the launch of The Breakthrough Fellowship on Sunday. Nevertheless, TGIF, my brothers and sisters! It’s Day 20 and I’m feeling good!

Today, my words of encouragement come from the prophet Habakkuk, “Then the Lord answered me and said: Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so that a runner may read it.” Habakkuk 2:2 As I wrote in the devotional guide, take today to write out some reflections of what God has spoken to you during this fast. What has God shown you about distractions? What have you learned about your relationship with God? How has God blessed you? How has God stretched you? Going should this period of fasting; prayer and personal reflection change your life?

Don’t skip this exercise. Writing down your visions and establishing clear goals is an important step in staying focus and establishing accountability once the fast is over.

  1. WRITE the vision and make it plain. Be specific and make a verbal commitment to the Lord.
  2. VISUALIZE and PRAY what your life might be like if you do not pursue this vision? Then PRAY AGAIN for the strength and the discipline to make the vision come to fruition.
  3. Visualize yourself AFTER this vision HAS become your reality. How does it feel? What tangible benefits result from this vision?
  4. DECIDE ON THE FIRST STEP you can take to start yourself on your journey.
  5. After that, there's only more thing to do-MAKE IT HAPPEN!

Until tomorrow, be blessed!

20 Days of Fasting and 1 Day Left,
Rev. CAM

The Breakthrough Fellowship launches in 2 Days!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Breakthrough Fast 2011 - Day 17 "I Will Be With You"

"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord, your God..."(Isaiah 43:2-3a)

Enough said.

17 Days of Fasting and Still Going Strong,
Rev. CAM

The Breakthrough Fellowship launches in 5 Days!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Breakthrough Fast 2011 – Day 16 “How Are You Measuring Up?” - Tribute to Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

As I reflect on the legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., I am drawn to his definition of success: “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy". In a culture that measures success by how much you make, where you live, what you own, where you worship, what you wear or who you associate with, Dr. King’s measurement of success mentions none of these. Instead, he asks the question, “Do you look at struggles and adversity and become impotent to the challenge? Or do you rise to their tests with faith and determination to meet them head on.”

If Dr. King were alive, I believe he would ask us a series of questions: “Where do you stand on the eradication of poverty and support for affordable health care for everyone? Where do you stand on the proliferation of the sex trade and pornography that dominates the Internet? Where do you stand on war at home and abroad? Where do you stand on racism, religious tolerance and gender equity? Where do you stand on the sanctity of marriage and the role of prayer in schools? Where do you stand on protecting the environment over bigger profits and bigger companies? Where do you stand on quality education and the right for everyone to share in the American Dream? Where do you stand on justice, peace and love for people who look like you and for people who don’t?”

Life is full of challenges and controversies. Life will test each one of us; and each one of us will have the opportunity to be measured by Dr. King’s “measuring stick”. My question to you and to me, “How are you measuring up?”

Then he (Jesus) said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. (Matthew 9:37, NIV)

16 Days of Fasting and Still Going Strong,
Rev. CAM

The Breakthrough Fellowship launches in 6 Days!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Breakthrough Fast 2011 – Day 15 “The Promise”

Congratulations! If you have been fasting and praying with me since January 2, we are on the home stretch. Two weeks completed and only 6 days left until we complete our mission! I don’t know about you but I am seeing clearer and am I feeling lighter than I did at the beginning of the year. I admit. I’m feeling lighter because I am not consuming certain foods and thankfully, I am enjoying the by-product of a slightly smaller waistline. And I admit. I am seeing clearer because I’m not blinded by my self-imposed caffeine and sugar fix. But more importantly, I’m seeing clearer and feeling lighter because this time of fasting, prayer and personal reflection has allowed me to reconnect with my creator.

While in prison, the word of the Lord came to the prophet Jeremiah, “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” (Jeremiah 33:3 NRSV) The New Living Translation says, “Ask me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come.”

My questions for you and me today: Over the past 15 days, have you called out to God? Or have you focused on the diet rather than your relationship with Christ? Have you listened for the voice of God or have you been too busy moaning about how hard the fast is or making excuses why you can’t find time to pray or read God’s word?

In these last 6 days, make a commitment to your relationship with Jesus Christ. If you have stumbled, if you have fallen off the wagon, make a commitment today to pray, fast and spend time in personal reflection. In these last 6 days, let’s call out to God with our whole heart. Let’s seek God’s face in praise for what God is doing in our lives. Let’s stop the excuses of why we can’t do this. Let’s not take this time for granted. If you call out to God, God promises to answer you. And when God does answer you, I believe God will reveal to you visions, meanings and “remarkable secrets” for your life that you cannot begin to fathom. Are you willing to step out on faith? Are you courageous enough to put God to the test? Are you willing to make that investment of time? What do you have to lose? Or is the problem, you are afraid of what you will gain.

My prayer and my hope is that you will call out to God. I am calling, “God, this is Charles...”

15 Days of Fasting and Still Going Strong,
Rev. CAM

The Breakthrough Fellowship launches in 7 days!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Breakthrough Fast 2011 – Day 14 “Don’t Let Your Trials Hold You Down”

Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything, (James 1:2-4)

We are living in challenging times. Job creation is anemic. Money is tight. Our cities and states are bankrupt. Racial and political tensions are simmering to the boiling point. Natural disasters are a daily occurrence. Our family lives are on edge from being over-programmed and over-stressed. Our schools are starting to look more like detention centers than environments for greater learning. And the citizens of the world are at war with each other and with themselves.

But despite it all, as believers we must remember we still have faith. My father-in-law taught me that faith means “Forsaking All I Trust Him”. Beloved, that is what you have to do in times like these. You have to trust God. Regardless of your present circumstances, God has a plan for you to prosper. And I don’t mean trust God out of emotion or because it sounds good. James, the half-brother of Jesus, said “consider it pure joy.” In other words, you know how God sustained you when others had written you off. You know that despite the attacks of your enemies, “You are still standing. You are still strong.” You know how God healed your body from sickness. You know that Jesus loves you for the bible tells you so. You don’t need anyone to tell you how good God is, you know it for yourself. That is why you are fasting and praising God. You know that your life is a living testimony to the goodness of God.

That's why despite the challenges that you are facing, don’t let your trials hold you down. For James speaks of two kinds of trails in this passage: (1) test from the outside, like jealousy, negative attitudes or meanness; and (2) test from the inside, like fear, doubt, temptations and addictions. James admits, and you know it for yourself, that life is full of trials. But the good news I bring, is that we serve a savior that specializes in overcoming trials...and his names is Jesus Christ. For 40 days, the Adversary tested him; but through faith, prayer and perseverance he overcame his trials and defeated the Adversary. If you and I don’t grow weary, if we are faithful, if we remember the goodness of God, if we develop perseverance in challenging times, we too can overcome our trials and WE TOO CAN WIN!

14 Days of Fasting and Still Going Strong,
Rev. CAM

The Breakthrough Fellowship launches in 8 Days!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Breakthrough Fast 2011 – Day 12 and 13 “God is good!”

Good morning, everyone. TGIF! It has been a heck of a week. The kids have been out of school all week. We have experienced freezing temperatures, snow and ice in Atlanta. And I can’t believe I’m excited about 34 degree weather coming today. Despite it all, “God is good!”

I believe you have to remind yourself of this fact sometimes. In a culture of skepticism, it is easy to become cynical and jaded to the goodness of God. Have you ever asked yourself the question, “If God is so good, why does suffering exist like the floods in Australia and Brazil? If God is so good, if God is all-powerful, if God is all-knowing, why do innocent people get victimized like they did in the deadly shooting s in Arizona?” These are often troubling questions for believers and non-believers alike. But the reality is that suffering does exist. Famine does exist. Poverty does exist. And sin and evil do exist. Ever since the fall of humanity, we have been exposed to life’s harsh realities. This is why the writer to the Hebrews pens a central tenet for believers: “Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need." (Hebrews 4:16) Beloved, we live in a time of need.

There are times I wish I could predict the next storm, the next tragedy or the next act of pain in order to save myself or someone from harm or danger. But thankfully, I cannot. I’m not sure I could handle that burden or am worthy of that responsibility. Thankfully, my ego is humble enough to know that there are some things I cannot do on my own nor can I solve on my own. However, there is someone who can handle it all...and his name is Jesus Christ.

The bible says, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.” (John 3:16) Jesus can handle our suffering and offer us peace in return. Jesus can handle our pain and offer us deliverance in return. Jesus can handle our sin and offer us salvation in return.

Truth be told, there are areas in my life that I am in need. But despite it all, God is good. It was Paul that wrote, “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say Rejoice.” (Philippians 4:4) For despite the inconvenience of this week’s weather, God is good! All my kids are healthy. My heat is on. There is food in the refrigerator. And everyone has been together safe, sound and happy. God is good! Despite a challenging economy, I have a great job and my mortgage is paid. God is good! And despite the struggles of getting a fledgling ministry (The Breakthrough Project) off the ground, God has given me the vision, the stamina, the people, the resources and the encouragement to birth The Breakthrough Fellowship! For that I am grateful. And for that, I proclaim, God is good!

13 Days of Fasting and Still Going Strong,
Rev. CAM

The Breakthrough Fellowship launches in 9 Days! God is good!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Breakthrough Fast 2011 – Days 10 and 11 “Draw Near To God”

It is 6:30A on Wednesday morning (Day 11) as I write this and the third “Snow Day” of the week. The roads are still icy and the temperatures remain below freezing in Atlanta. Schools and businesses are still closed all around the city. And while my family is thankful for this unexpected “winter vacation”, we ALL are suffering from a mild case of cabin fever.

As I get older, I find myself wondering if there is a deeper meaning behind certain events. While I do not profess to be prophetic, I do believe these “snow days” have meaning. Like many of you, I was ready for the New Year. I prepared myself for the fast. My travel schedule for the next three months was set. My 2011 business plans were made. And I was ready to embark on another challenging and BUSY year. But maybe that is the point...I was prepared to be busy but was I prepared to get closer to God?

My reading today brought me to the Letter of James, Chapter 4:8a “Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.” In a world of “instant everything” and 24 hour access, our patience is short and our schedules are full. Don’t get me wrong, I am going crazy trapped in the house and long for a normal routine. But maybe this time at home was God’s attempt to get my attention. Maybe God is saying, “I’m pleased about your call for the fast but I need you to spend more time in prayer for the salvation of my people. I’m pleased about the launch of The Breakthrough Fellowship on January 23rd but I want you to spend more time in my Word teaching and preaching to my people. I’ve blessed you with a beautiful family and a great career but are you going to worship me like you worship your schedule? Are you going to call out to me like you talk to your friends? Are you as excited about spending time with me like you are about updating your status on Facebook or Twitter? Charles, the winter storm came for a reason. We needed some one-on-one time together. Forget your schedule for a second. Slow down for a minute. Put down the snow shovel for a day. The roads are icy and the office is closed. I know the challenges you face. I know you are anxious about your future. I know you are losing sleep wondering how you going to balance it all. Stop trying to do it all by yourself. Clear your mind. Open up your heart to the nurturing of the Holy Spirit. Release your worries and surrender your fears to me. Draw near to me and I will draw near to you.”

I hear you, God. Here I am.

P.S. What is God saying to you?

Monday, January 10, 2011

Breakthrough Fast 2011 – Day 9 “Snow Day”

Who said it doesn’t snow in Georgia? Let me school you, it does. Actually, we got 5 inches of snow last night. For my Northern friends, 5 inches of snow is no big deal. But in a place where there are only 5 snow plows for the whole state (I’m exaggerating), 5 inches of snow followed by an icy mix of rain and snow is a big deal. So hooray...a snow day it is.

My kids were happy. No school again for them (actually, they have had only 4 days of the school in the past 2 weeks). No work for me; well yes, work for me but at least I didn’t go into the office. And with a snow day, a wintery play day for my kids, all the hot chocolate they could drink and the undivided attention of parents un-medicated by coffee, sweets and comfort foods.

I between emails and conference calls, I enjoyed the day as well. Well, for the first couple of hours...chasing the kids in the snow; sledding down the streets. Then the day turned...shoveling the drive way; hearing my pre-teen complain for the 100th time this weekend that she was bored; breaking up the 800th fight between my 3 year and my 4 year old and the normal...picking up toys and giving baths and feeding the flock.

Excuse me. My blackberry is buzzing. (I read the message) “Office is closed another day”. That is not good. (Blackberry buzzes again) “Schools are closed tomorrow.” (My Kids cheer in the background as a tear rolls down my cheek). Another snow day! Hooray! :) = Kids; :( = Jennifer and I.

Psalms 127:3 NRSV “Sons (Children) are indeed a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.”

9 Days of Fasting and 13 Days to the Launch of The Breakthrough Fellowship!
Rev. CAM

Goals for Today
- Read Daily Bible Verse for the Day: DONE
- Spend 30 minutes in prayer and meditation: DONE
- Completed Day 6 of The Breakthrough Fast 2011: DONE
- Write blog: DONE
-Drink 1 gallon of water: Done!

Breakthrough Fast 2011 – Day 8 “1 Week in the Books”

Week 1 is in the books. I wish I could share with you all the powerful praise reports that I have received from people that are being blessed by Breakthrough Fast 2011. Listen to the feedback I have received – “AMAZING! BLESSED! GRATEFUL! This is best thing I ever have done. The healing process has begun. I see the hand of God working in my life.”

If you are on the fence about fasting this season; STOP THINKING. Just do it. It’s not too late. Believe me... God will reward your sacrifice.

8 Days of Fasting Completed and 13 Days to Go!
Rev. CAM

- Read Daily Bible Verse for the Day
- Spend 30 minutes in prayer and meditation regarding goals
-Daily drink 1 gallon of water
- Write blog
- Continue to seek God’s face and follow God’s lead

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Breakthrough Fast 2011 – Day 7 “Crown Royal on Ice”

It’s actually Sunday morning (Day 8) that I’m writing this. Last night Jennifer and I went to a birthday celebration of one of our college friends at the W Hotel in downtown Atlanta. Since the First Lady and I don’t have a lot of free time with three kids, I went old school. I got the car washed. I shined my shoes and picked out my best “let’s kick it outfit.” I have to admit, the First Lady looked FINE last night.

As we entered the lounge, we saw old friends and made some new acquaintances. Then I saw her. She was sitting on the bar; elegantly dressed in royal purple. Crown Royal is her name. Being smooth and sexy is her game. She had all her peeps with her. There was Crown Royal Black. There was Crown Royal Special Reserve. There was Cask No.16 and a rare sighting, the lovely and mysterious XR. I tried to avoid eye contact...but her attraction was too strong.

I kept reminding myself, “I’m fasting and praying. Praying and fasting.” Then I called out to the Lord, “Lord, help me and The Breakthrough Family resist temptation. Let us not fall victim to the weaknesses of the flesh.” As I prayed, I felt her pull as she coquettishly called to me, “No longer drink only water, but take a little wine (a little Crown) for the sake of your stomach and your frequent ailments.” (1 Timothy 5:23) Truth be told, my stomach was a little achy and my neck was a little stiff. Like a siren, she convinced the DJ to play her song...

Your light sweet taste on my lips, pull me right back to you
You wink at my, I wink right back to you
You’re so smooth and tasty, I can’t stop thinking of you
You soothe my mind, that purple bag suits you...
Crown Royal on Ice, Crown Royal on Ice
Crown Royal on Ice, Crown Royal on Ice
Crown Royal on Ice, Crown Royal on Ice (My adaption of the Jill Scott Song "Crown Royal On Ice")

Jennifer nudges me in the bed. “Charles...Charles...Are you dreaming? Were you having a nightmare?” Half a sleep, I roll over and smile to myself. “No, my love...I was just remembering an old friend.”

7 Days of Fasting and Still Going Strong!
Rev. CAM

Goals for Today
- Read Daily Bible Verse for the Day: DONE
- Spend 30 minutes in prayer and meditation: DONE
- Completed Day 7 of The Breakthrough Fast 2011: DONE
- Write blog: DONE
-Drink 1 gallon of water: Complete!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Breakthrough Fast 2011 – Day 6 “Stay Onboard”

Day 6 of the fast is complete. How are you doing? Send me a note or comment to this blog. I would love to hear from you.

I hope you have stayed to your commitment up to this point. If you have not, don’t fret over the mistake you have made. And don’t lose sleep that you slipped and ate something that you should not have. Forget about all that. I didn’t call this fast to see how well you could follow the rules. I called this fast so you could strengthen and deepen your relationship with God. So for those who are off track, shake off the negativity. Today is your “get back on track day”.

Take a moment. Pray that God will renew your commitment and give you the strength to re-commit to Him. But beyond praying, take a second moment and evaluate yourself. Ask yourself, why am I fasting? If you hesitate or can’t readily define that answer, SLOW DOWN. This time of prayer and fasting is also a time of personal reflection. Take this time to be specific in your reason for fasting. And take this time to make a verbal commitment to the Lord. “Lord, I am fasting for restoration of my marriage.” “Lord, I am fasting for a closer relationship with you.” Whatever your specific goal is, make it plain. The writer of Proverbs said it well, “Do not let loyalty and faithfulness forsake you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.” (Proverbs 3:3) Once you have done that, write it down and establish daily goals for the fast. I promise you. It will make your commitment to the fast easier and a lot more meaningful.

If you have been going strong these past 6 days; great! Keep it up. I assure you...the pain of sacrifice is better than the pain of regret. My prayer for you is the same prayer I have for myself. I pray that God with keep stoking our passions to complete the journey that we have started. Stay on board. The best is yet to come!

6 Days of Fasting and Still Going Strong!
Rev. CAM

Goals for Today
- Read Daily Bible Verse for the Day: DONE
- Spend 30 minutes in prayer and meditation: DONE
- Completed Day 6 of The Breakthrough Fast 2011: DONE
- Write blog: DONE
-Drink 1 gallon of water: Almost there!

Friday, January 7, 2011

The Breakthrough Fellowship - Inaugural Worship Experience

I am personally inviting you to join us for our first worship experience called The Breakthrough Fellowship.
Come as you are. Bring a friend. Bring a co-worker. Bring a family member. Bring your children (we have age specific activities especially for them). Bring your coffee...but most of all, bring your praise!
We expect a great move of God in the place!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Breakthrough Fast 2011 – Day 5 “God Will Deliver”

I have a confession to make. It is somewhat embarrassing but one I feel compelled to share. Sometimes I need to read my own words.

Yesterday in the prayer guide section of the Breakthrough Fast 2011booklet, I wrote, “Pray today that God would provide all the resources necessary to possess the land that The Breakthrough Fellowship needs to bring city transformation.” You see...just like God gave me a vision for The Breakthrough Project, God gave me a vision for a worship experience called The Breakthrough Fellowship. Its mission will be to create a safe place where people can worship authentically, “Seek God. Build Community. Achieve Wholeness”...through an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.”

On one hand, I am extremely excited and grateful for the vision. But on the other hand, the closer we (Jennifer, the team and I) get to our first worship experience, (January 23, 2011 at 10A – Location: AMC Parkway Pointe 15 Theater, 3101 Cobb Parkway, Atlanta, GA – near Cumberland Mall) and the harder we plan and work towards that vision, the more obstacles we seem to encounter. Yesterday morning at 6AM, a group of us prayed via conference call. We prayed for each other. We prayed for continued faith. We prayed for wisdom. We prayed for The Breakthrough Project and the vision of The Breakthrough Fellowship. And we prayed specifically for the things, the resources and the people that we needed for God’s ministry.

Ironically, I wrote for today’s Prayer Guide, Pray today for an increase in your personal faith. Ask God to show you that which you believe is impossible, and then specifically ask Him to give you the faith to entrust Him with the responsibility of it. Ask God to give you a refreshing measure of faith to believe with Him all things are possible.”

God is so awesome. I’m happy to report...that God has answered our prayers. We needed a lead vocalist. God delivered. We needed a financial accountant. God delivered. We needed a keyboardist to complete the worship band. God delivered. We needed a venue for our worship service. God delivered. We needed financial resources to make the vision come true. And God is delivering. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not advocating that God is a celestial Santa Claus that answers every request that we make. I am saying... Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." (Proverbs 3:5-6). We still have work to do. We still have challenges in front of us. But if something is God’s will for your life...God will deliver!

5 Days of Fasting and Still Going Strong!
Rev. CAM

Goals for Today
- Read Daily Bible Verse for the Day: DONE
- Spend 30 minutes in prayer and meditation: DONE
- Completed Day 5 of The Breakthrough Fast 2011: DONE
- Write blog: DONE
-Drink 1 gallon of water: Almost there!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Breakthrough Fast 2011 - Day 4 "Time to Recharge the Batteries"

I’m tired tonight. I’m tired of thinking. I’m tired of planning. I’m tired of working. I’m tired of talking. I admit. I am a victim of the “work-work cycle” and the pursuit of excellence syndrome. But in my mediation tonight, the Word reminded me that Jesus knew the importance of rest. “The apostles gathered around Jesus and told him all that they had done and taught. He said to them, “Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest awhile.” (Mark 6:30) Jesus understood the importance of recharging the batteries and seeking moments of quietness to revive, reconnect and to restore the mind, the spirit and the body. What are you doing to recharge your batteries? What are you doing during this period of fasting and prayer to renew your spirits and to revive your dreams.

I’m not sure about you. But I’m going to bed. With some rest, I will be a better husband, a better father, a better brother, a better friend and a better boss.

4 Days of Fasting and 17 more to go!
Rev. CAM

Goals for Today
- Read Daily Bible Verse for the Day: DONE
- Spend 30 minutes in prayer and meditation: DONE
- Completed Day 4 of The Breakthrough Fast 2011: DONE
- Write blog: DONE
-Drink 1 gallon of water: Still work in progress!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Breakthrough Fast 2011 – Day 3 “Let Them Eat Chicken!”

I am so proud of you. Every day someone comes up to me and tells me that they have joined the fast. For that I give God the glory. It is so gratifying to see so many of you make the commitment and the sacrifice to start of the year in praise, prayer and fasting to seek God and to honor God for the New Year.

I have also received a lot of recipe ideas from you. One of my friends even text me a picture of a “Daniel Fast Tailgate Meal.” I’m not sure about the tofu Italian sausage taste; but the black eye peas and brown rice “shownuff” looked good! (bad English for dramatic affect) Now if you know anything a black preacher, you know that we love chicken. Fried chicken; love it! Baked chicken; love it! Smothered chicken; love it. Stewed chicken; love it. Jerked chicken; love it. Chicken wrapped in bacon; LOVE IT! You get the picture. Unfortunately, the Daniel Fast restricts the intake of the “holy bird” for 21 days. :) (For a complete Daniel Fast Food List refer to The Breakthrough Fast 2011 booklet found on the website).

Well, my wife, Jennifer came up with a Daniel Fast recipe (Chicken Parmigiana) that allows you to have “chicken” and love it. For your reference, see the recipe below. Try it out! I assure you; you will love it too!

Do you have a Daniel Fast recipe that you would like to share? If so, send it to me and I will include it in one of my nightly blogs.

Until tomorrow, remember...let them eat chicken!

3 Days of Fasting and Still Going Strong!
Rev. CAM

Goals for Today

- Read Daily Bible Verse for the Day: DONE
- Spend 30 minutes in prayer and meditation: DONE
- Completed Day 3 of The Breakthrough Fast 2011: DONE
- Write blog: DONE
-Drink 1 gallon of water: Almost there!

Daniel Fast Chicken Parmigiana
1 Pack Morningstar Farms Italian Herb Vegetable Paste “Chicken Patties”
1 Box 100% Whole Wheat Pasta
2 Sm. Bottles or 1 Lg. Bottle Spaghetti Sauce
1 Pack Sliced Mushrooms
1Medium Onion
2 Stalks Celery
½ clove garlic
Italian Seasoning
1tbs olive oil
Mozzarella flavored Veggie Shreds

Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. Boil water for pasta according to package directions. Dice and saute all vegetables until soft in olive oil. Add Spaghetti Sauce and Italian Seasoning to taste and bring to a boil. Lower heat and simmer for 25 minutes. While sauce is simmering add pasta to boiling water and cook through. Put chicken patties in oven according to package directions. Once all cooking is complete, place one patty on plate followed by heaping spoon of spaghetti, sauce and sprinkle of cheese.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Breakthrough Fast 2011 – Day 2 Open Your Hands

Today my son Max asked me for some candy. First, I thought...I can’t believe this kid is asking me for some candy. Doesn’t he know that I’m fasting!? But you know kids...they ask for what they want. Anyway, me being the good father, I said ok. As I reached to give Max the candy, he fell out on the floor. “I don’t want that one, I want this one.” And let me tell you...that little boy wouldn't take it. Instead, he closed his hands and folded his arms. I said, “Max. Open your hands so I can give you the candy.” But he refused. “That is not the one I wanted,” he screamed. Instead of getting irate or taking my candy and walking away, I said, “Son. It is too bad that you didn’t take the one I gave you. To be honest, because I love you so, I was going to give you this candy, the one you wanted and so much more.”
Beloved, that is how we are sometimes. We ask God for blessings, breakthroughs, visions and deliverance. But when God doesn’t give us what we want the way we want it, we “close our hands”, pout and tell God that we don’t want it. But I hate to tell you...fasting without prayer won’t give you what you want. You might lose weight but it won’t get you closer to God. Asking God for a financial breakthrough won’t happen, if you are not willing to sacrifice your wants in order to receive your needs. Removing depression, loneliness and anxiety from our lives won’t happen, if we are not willing to surrender our hurts and fears to the Lord. And I don’t care how hard you work, until you “open your hands” to the Lord, God will never be able to pour into them or your family, your marriage, your relationships, your business or your career, “a blessing you would not be able to receive.” (Reference from Malachi 3:10)

2 Days of Fasting and Still Going Strong! Despite the temptations of a 4 year old!
Rev. CAM

Goals for Today
- Read Daily Bible Verse for the Day: DONE
- Spend 30 minutes in prayer and meditation: DONE
- Completed Day 2 of The Breakthrough Fast 2011: DONE
- Write blog: DONE
-Drink 1 gallon of water: Still work in progress!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Breakthrough Fast 2011 - Day 1 "Getting My Mind Right"

I have to be honest. I don’t have anything profound, theological or even overly spiritual to give you tonight. I’m just trying to get my mind right.

Let me tell you, I prayed and mediated this morning. I went to church and received the Holy Communion. I followed the eating plan and had a warm and filling bowl of oatmeal with fruit for breakfast. But the truth is, my head is screaming for a tall Starbuck’s coffee! The truth is...I can smell the aroma of the blueberry crunch pancakes from J. Christopher’s. And the truth is...I can taste the fried chicken from yesterday...the greasy, crispy, flaky Popeye’s chicken in the refrigerator that has been calling my name all afternoon. (Lord, help me!)

Don’t get me wrong. I remember the warning of Jesus, When you fast, do not look somber as hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show men (people) they are fasting. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that it will not be obvious to men that you are fasting, but only your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” (Matthew 6:16-18)

Getting my mind right is more than saying no to my Mama’s New Year’s Day collard greens. Getting my mind right is slowing down long enough to seek God’s direction and receive God’s grace. Getting my mind right is more than fasting to lose a few pounds. Getting my mind right is realizing that I am powerless to change myself. Getting my mind right is not about what I can get from God during these 21 days of fasting. Getting my mind right is about what I can give to God - my worship, my obedience and my praise. And getting my mind right is more than 21 days of self-denial. Getting my mind right is accepting the pruning that God has in store for me the next 20 days.

I’m not naive. Getting my mind right is not easy. But if I get my mind right....if you get your mind right...regardless of where we are in our relationship with God, today was the first day of something new in our lives. I have to go now. I’m about to take the advice of Jesus...and pour a gallon of olive oil on my head and wash my face!

1 Day of Fasting and Going Strong!
Rev. CAM

Goals for Today
- Read Daily Bible Verse for the Day: DONE
- Spend 30 minutes in prayer and meditation: DONE
- Completed Day 1 of The Breakthrough Fast 2011: DONE
- Write blog: DONE
-Drink 1 gallon of water: Still work in progress!