Friday, January 30, 2009

Yes, (We) Can! Move Beyond Resolutions to Breakthroughs

Scripture: Isaiah 43:18-21

At the beginning of each year, we make resolutions to live better, eat better, love better and save better. However, after the initial enthusiasm of a New Year wanes and the pressures and realities of life return, unfortunately, remnants of complacency returns and the strongholds of resistance to change slowly begin to seep into our minds. And truth be told, the noble promises that we made to ourselves in January turn into another set of hollow resolutions that are easily broken and eventually discarded by February.

Continuing our series entitled, MIND over Matters, the topic for January’s Bible study (The Breakthrough Circle) was "Yes, (You) We Can! Move Beyond Resolutions to Breakthroughs!"

In this lesson, we discovered how matters of complacency and resistance to change are the enemies of the mind. However, if we seek God, surrender to God and submit to God...

We can live debt free. We can find love and happiness. We can live an active and healthy lifestyle. We can rebuke the Adversary and live in the favor and under the authority of the Holy Spirit. We can live the life that God has promised us. And most importantly, we can move beyond resolutions to breakthroughs!

Over the next few weeks, I would like to share with you some of the insights and the breakthroughs that God revealed to us and ask that you would join me in dialogue.

Questions for you...

Are you a victim of complacency? Is procrastination your middle name? Are you resistant to change? If you answered yes to any of these questions...why is this?

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