Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Year! - Become a Fan of CAM's Blog in 2010
I am so excited about what the new year will bring. One thing I promised myself and others was to blog more consistently. If you have liked my blogs in the past, you can become a fan of mine. I have added a "Followers Widget" to my blog post in the upper left hand side. Just look for the words "follow" at the top of the page. Hit the link and follow the instructions and you can instantly become a fan of CAM's blog. With your help and support, we can expand our message about the good news of a risen savior named Jesus.
I look forward to sharing with you in 2010! And I look forward to you joining me and thousands others on the Breakthrough Fast 2010 ( 21 day fast starting January 2, 2010).
Happy New Year! Cheers to a glorious and prosperous year!
Rev. CAM
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
The Breakthrough Fast 2010!
It is estimated that thousands of Christian people around the world will start the 2010 New Year with prayer and fasting. Many will join their church family in corporate fasting and others will enter the fast as part of their personal spiritual devotion. Starting January 2, 2010, I invite you to join me and The Breakthrough Project on a 21-day fast (The Daniel Fast) to seek God and honor God for the New Year.
I can hear you, “Rev. CAM, why a fast?” Fasting is biblical. It is not torture; it is a privilege! Biblical fasting is more than restricting food, biblical fasting is refraining from food for a spiritual purpose. Fasting removes clutter from our lives (physically, mentally and spiritually) and helps us develop a more intimate relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Fasting is one of the most powerful weapons God has given us to fight the Adversary. Through fasting, I believe the strongholds of stress, anger and depression can be broken. Release from the bondage of sin can happen. Your relationships can be restored. Financial breakthroughs, spiritual wholeness and supernatural healing and so much more are possible through fasting and prayer!
Another reward of fasting has to do with your future. God has given you a vision for your life. As you fast, pray for God's direction and guidance. Focus your faith on your vision and God will show you how you can turn your vision into a reality.
During this period of fasting, I want you to target your prayers on one of the following areas:
- Fasting for a Financial Breakthrough
- Fasting to Develop a Faith Driven Lifestyle
- Fasting for Restoration in Your Relationships
- Fasting for Your Family (especially Your Children)
- Fasting for a Spiritual Breakthrough
- Fasting to Discover God's Will for Your Life
- Fasting for Supernatural Healing
- Fasting for the Discipline to Walk in the Vision that God has Given You
I can hear you again! “Rev.CAM, I need to focus on all of them.” That might be true. However, for the next 21 days, I encourage you to choose 2 areas to focus. Remember...Rome was not built in a day!
What is the Daniel Fast?
The Daniel Fast is a biblically based partial fast. It is a method of fasting that men, women and young people all over the world are using as they enter into the spiritual discipline of prayer and fasting.
There are two anchoring scriptures for the Daniel Fast. In Daniel 1 (specifically Daniel 1:12-13) the Prophet (Daniel) ate only vegetables (that would have included fruits) and drank only water. So from these scriptures we get two of the guidelines for the fast:
1. Only fruits and vegetables.
2. Only water for a beverage.
Then in Daniel 10 (specifically Daniel 10:2-3) we read that the Prophet ate no meat nor any precious breads or foods and he drank no wine for 21 days. So from this scripture, we get a third guideline:
3. No sweeteners (including artificial) and no breads are allowed on the Daniel Fast.
Another important guideline is drawn from the Jewish principles of fasting, where no leaven is used during the fast. So that's why yeast, baking powder and the like are not allowed on the Daniel Fast. Be sure to read the ingredients on labels of prepared foods to make sure they only include Daniel Fast friendly ingredients.Visit the website ( for updates and more information and follow me on Twitter (, Facebook and read my blog ( to follow my progress on this spiritual journey.
I would love to hear from you. Over the next 21 days, send me an email ( and share your story with me. I know that God is going to do something special in our lives in 2010. Therefore, I challenge YOU to PUT DOWN the cookies. PUSH the hamburger aside. Say NO to Starbucks. And say YES to SEEKING GOD'S FACE and GROWING in RELATIONSHIP with JESUS CHRIST!
Yours in Christ,
Rev. CAM
Monday, September 28, 2009
The Breakthrough Project turns 2!
Since September 2007, the Bible study (now called The Breakthrough Circle) has experienced exponential growth from its humble beginnings of 10 people. By God’s grace, The Breakthrough Project Turns 2!
The Lord is also blessing this ministry in new ways. You can find us on Facebook and follow me on Twitter. In addition to the growing numbers that study with us each month during The Breakthrough Circle, we average about 20 children a month for bible study. Our blog reaches partners around the world. In July, we added a BTP Men's Prayer Breakfast that meets every second Saturday of the month. And we are making plans for future podcasts so you can experience the power of "The Circle" on demand. To meet the new visions that God is giving us, we need to raise $5,000 by October 17th. The proceeds will be used to purchase equipment and supplies for our children's bible study, video equipment for future podcasts and resources to expand the reach of The Breakthrough Project. If you can give $5 or $5,000 we need your financial support as we continue this grassroots effort for God. Every single dollar you give will support the cause. All gifts are tax deductible.
Jennifer and I hope to see you on October 17th for the next Breakthrough Circle. And we thank you in advance for your prayers and financial support.
Until we speak again...Love and Peace.
Rev. CAM
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visit us on the web:
Saturday, May 9, 2009
A Mother's Day Wish
Thank you to my wife for raising our children in a Christ-centered home and for teaching them to respect themselves. Thank you for being my biggest cheerleader; and thank you for being my most forgiving fan. And despite the chaos of our lives, I am amazed how you carry yourself with such poise and with such grace.
I celebrate my Mom Ophelia, Mom Watley and Gran...virtuous women in their own right. I celebrate my sister Lynn --- a bad single mother holding it down for the sistas.
I say thank you to my mother...for being a parent and not a friend. I also say thank you, Mama...for your intercessory prayers when I forgot my home training. And despite my mistakes and my short-comings, thank you for your unapologetic and unashamed love.
To my wife and my mother...and to all the mother-figures in my life, I wish you and others a happy and blessed Mother’s Day.
Until next time...Love and Peace.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Life Is All About Perspective
Jesus’ closest allies and even his enemies had one perspective. They thought Jesus came to establish an earthly kingdom; but in reality, Jesus had a different perspective. When Jesus said “My kingdom is not of this world,” (John 18:36) he made it clear that an earthly kingdom was not his purpose. Pilate had one perspective about Jesus. After Pilate’s encounter with Jesus, he had Jesus’ cross inscribed, “Jesus of Nazareth --- King of the Jews” (John 19:19). But Paul wrote in the epistle to the Philippians “that at the mere name of Jesus that every knee shall bow and that every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord” (Philippians 2:10). And when the Roman soldiers hung Jesus on the cross, they thought his ministry was finished. But we know that Jesus’ celestial touch still stretches from heaven and is active in every person that is a believer. And when the soldiers gave Jesus the sponge of sour wine they thought they had done something. But John 19:28 records that Jesus smiled and said, “I thirst” only to fulfill the scriptures. And when Jesus’ earthly body died, Jesus’ enemies thought they had killed the movement but in reality they had sparked a Christian wildfire. And when Jesus said, “It is finished.” The Adversary thought he had the victory and that salvation was defeated. However, Life Is All About Perspective. For Jesus never said that “I am finished”…he said “IT is finished.” Pain…IT is finished. Jealously…IT is finished. Temptation…IT is finished. Sin…IT is finished. And the Task that God had sent him to complete…IT was finished. And that is an important lesson for us to remember; for no matter what your IT is…IT is finished.
The tragedy for most of us is that we are so focused on sipping on our sour wine that we never effectively deal with our ITs. Our ITs of debt, addictions and envy. Our ITs of ignorance, selfishness and stress. Our ITs of complacency, ego, unrealistic expectations and loneliness. Our ITs of abuse, grief and generational curses. As a result, we find ourselves living below our station, stressed out with unfulfilled lives and unactualized dreams. We stumble through life in search of satisfaction in a job, in material symbols, in a degree, in a pill, in a bottle or in another person’s bed. We search for ways to deaden the pain, but unfortunately, when we awake from our stupor, we find hell breaking out in our bodies, in our homes, in our schools, in our churches and in our communities. And because of our weakened state, we become susceptible to the Adversary’s ways and thoughts. If we are not careful, we start to believe that we are beyond salvation and fall victim to the mentality that we are helpless to change.
The good news is that there is a savior who can take away all your ITs. His name is Jesus. All that he requires is that we develop a “ride-or-die” spirit that proclaims, “Where you lead me, I will follow.” All that he requires is that we open our hearts and release our minds to say, “I’m desperate for you, Jesus; I need you, Jesus; I am lost without you, Jesus.” All that he requires is that we love him with all our heart and that we trust him and worship him with all our soul and mind. If we can do that --- Jesus says, “You do not have to worry about your ITs any longer for I have already paid the price. IT has no more authority over your life. IT is finished.” Halleluiah! Halleluiah!
If your IT is envy…Jesus says, “IT is finished.” If your IT is abuse…Jesus says, “IT is finished.” If your IT is addictions…Jesus says, “IT is finished.” If your IT is stress…Jesus says, “IT is finished.” If your IT is complacency….Jesus says, “IT is finished.” If your IT is racism…Jesus says, “IT is finished.” Whatever your IT is…don’t worry and don’t lose faith. Jesus is not finished! IT is finished!
Scripture Reference: John 19:30
Friday, March 13, 2009
Pour Your Heart Into It
When we are willing to sacrifice and risk something for God, God looks upon our sacrifice as an act of worship. And despite God’s words of encouragement, “...he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through the fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you. For I am the Lord your God...” (Isaiah 43:1-3a, NRSV), some of us would rather deal with the pain of regret rather than the pain of sacrifice.
Truth be told, the pain of regret is easier to deal with than the pain of sacrifice. In past years, like this year, I made a resolution to lose weight and get back into shape. However, the sacrifice of waking up at 5 AM and leaving the warm comfort of my bed is a sacrifice I have not been willing to make. As a result, another year is passing and another resolution is falling by the wayside. I am conscious of the risk I am taking. Diabetes and high blood pressure run in my family. In the past two years, three of my friends have died unexpected deaths due to health related causes. But despite the warning signs, I continue to make excuses for the sacrifices I am not willing to make. I convince myself, “I can lose weight whenever I feel like it. Just wait to the kids start sleeping through the night. Just wait until work slows down. Just wait until spring. Just wait until I finish this last row of chocolate cookies.” I wonder...did my friends make similar excuses?
What sacrifice(s) are you struggling to make? What decisions are you delaying? Are you are trying to make a change in your life but for some reason, you are not firmly planted in that God-given vision? As a result, at the first sign of pain, failure or delay, you give into past behaviors and settle back into past ruts and past routines. Or better yet, you have conceded defeat, convincing yourself that you are better equipped to deal with the pain of regret rather than the pain of sacrifice.
Let’s be honest. Pursuing our God-given vision is hard. If it was easy, more people would be fulfilled. People ask me all the time: “How do you find time to write, study, work, do ministry, be a husband and a father? To offer some reasonable explanation, let me borrow a phrase from Andy Stanley’s book: “Choosing to Cheat: Who Wins When Family and Work Collide?” I cheat. I cheat sleep. I cheat TV time. I cheat hanging out with friends. I cheat my vacation --- it is 3:30AM and I am up writing. I sometimes cheat my family (Not Recommended!). But I am so passionate about The Breakthrough Project and what God is doing through this ministry, that the pain of sacrifice (e.g. sleep, hanging out) is more palatable to me than the pain of regret (e.g. not doing God’s will). For me, this ministry is not a sacrifice. I was "created, formed and redeemed" to do this work.
Sometimes, we clearly see deficiencies in others but are blinded to our own. However, in order to acheive a God-given vision, we must take an honest and personal inventory of our own lives. We must take responsibility for our own shortcomings and failures. We must discover our passions. We must demand commitment and follow-through from ourselves. We must tell ourselves,"No more excuses." And finally, no matter the outcome, we must pour our hearts into it. By doing so, success and fulfillment in life are possible.
And a God-given vision requires that we quit complaining and blaming others for the things we do to ourselves. I cannot blame Jennifer’s good cooking for my lack of exercise or my poor nutrition. She is not forcing me to eat chocolate chip cookies. She is not refusing to allow me to work out. She is not stopping me from living a healthy lifestyle. Eating the cookies and not working out are my decisions. Just like dealing with the pain of regret maybe yours.
However, when you make the decision to risk and sacrifice in order to pursue a God-given vision, something happens on the inside. Our risks and sacrifices gives way to submission; and our submission gives birth to spiritual renewal and breakthroughs. Unlike common wisdom, risks and sacrifices do not always come with reward. You sacrificed your integrity for a new title and a bigger office only to have someone else get the promotion. You risked giving your “joy away” to that man only to realize that he did not deserve your fidelity. You sacrificed family time for your career only to have your company give you a pink slip. However, I am here to tell you that if you take a risk on Jesus, if you sacrifice your will for God’s will, you will never have to worry about your investment not paying dividends. For Jesus said, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they (you) might have life, and have it (more) abundantly.” (John 10:10, NRSV)
Until next time...Love and Peace.
P.S. It is 5:13AM...and I am about to work out. Pray for me...I am trying to practice what I preach.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Change Can Happen
However, as the euphoria of the inauguration faded and the reality of our global economic recession worsened (e.g. over 100,000 jobs lost in a week), the chants of “Yes, We Can!” are slowly being drowned out by the whispers of “Here We Go Again!” While the President campaigned for a new spirit of bipartisanship and change in Washington, the forces of complacency (protecting the status quo) and resistance to change (lobbyists, and partisan politics) are stubborn. And despite the President’s admonishment for change, we hear Democrats talk about spending our way to prosperity (e.g. The New Deal) and we hear Republicans advocate cutting taxes to ameliorate our economic woes ( e.g. Reaganomics). I guess old habits are hard to break and past glories are hard to forget. The same can be true for the children of Israel in Isaiah’s time.
Isaiah’s writings to the children of Israel came at a bleak period in their history. They were in captivity. They had lost everything they thought they would keep forever. They were nostalgic and homesick for the land and the blessing God had promised them. However, life does not happen the same way the second time. That is why God said to the Israelites, “Do not remember the former things or consider the things of old. I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?” (Isaiah 43:18-19)
You cannot depend upon past glories to sustain you. The children of Israel remembered the victories that God had given them: the escape from Egypt, conquering the land of Canaan, surviving civil war. You remember how you lost 10 pounds on a Slim Fast diet. But as soon as you start eating food again, you gained that weight back plus more. Some victories in life are shallow attempts to fix deeply rooted problems. Unfortunately, until you deal with the real issues behind your emotional eating, you will never have victory over food.
You cannot allow your past failures to define you. God gave Israel signs of hope but they rejected them. God gave them the Temple but they worshipped idol gods. God gave them a king, but their kings lead the people astray. Nevertheless, God did not abandon them. Instead God gave them encouragement, “Do not remember the former things.” You cannot keep beating yourself up for failures and false starts. The past is the past. Make the commitment today to look forward and not to look back. God is about to do a new thing in your life.
You cannot live on yesterday’s faith. Israel’s spiritual faith was sufficient in the past but they needed a new faith, they needed a Savior (e.g. Jesus) to accomplish what God had envisioned for their future. The faith of your parents was good enough when you were a child. But you are all grown up now. It is time that you put aside childish ways. You need your own relationship with Jesus Christ. For when the winds of complacency and resistance to change come in your life, it will be through your relationship with Jesus Christ that you will have the strength to not give up, to not give in and to not give out until you get your breakthrough.
And finally, you cannot rely on obsolete strategies to solve your present problems. God painted a rainbow in the sky once as a sign of His covenant with humanity but when something more was needed He did not paint another rainbow. God did a new thing through Jesus Christ. Hallelujah! Now, we have more than a sign, we have a Savior. God is about to do a new thing in your life. God’s challenge to you is, “Do you not perceive it?” And more poignantly: “How bad do you want it? Change is hard. It does not come without commitment, sacrifice and dedication. But change in your life can happen. Don’t allow complacency to rob you of God’s promise.
Until next time...Love and Peace.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Yes, (We) Can! Move Beyond Resolutions to Breakthroughs
At the beginning of each year, we make resolutions to live better, eat better, love better and save better. However, after the initial enthusiasm of a New Year wanes and the pressures and realities of life return, unfortunately, remnants of complacency returns and the strongholds of resistance to change slowly begin to seep into our minds. And truth be told, the noble promises that we made to ourselves in January turn into another set of hollow resolutions that are easily broken and eventually discarded by February.
Continuing our series entitled, MIND over Matters, the topic for January’s Bible study (The Breakthrough Circle) was "Yes, (You) We Can! Move Beyond Resolutions to Breakthroughs!"
In this lesson, we discovered how matters of complacency and resistance to change are the enemies of the mind. However, if we seek God, surrender to God and submit to God...
We can live debt free. We can find love and happiness. We can live an active and healthy lifestyle. We can rebuke the Adversary and live in the favor and under the authority of the Holy Spirit. We can live the life that God has promised us. And most importantly, we can move beyond resolutions to breakthroughs!
Over the next few weeks, I would like to share with you some of the insights and the breakthroughs that God revealed to us and ask that you would join me in dialogue.
Questions for you...
Are you a victim of complacency? Is procrastination your middle name? Are you resistant to change? If you answered yes to any of these questions...why is this?
Monday, January 19, 2009
No More Dreams Deferred
And this is why Dr. King’s legacy and his work are so important for us to remember today. For before it was plausible, Dr. King had a dream. Dr. King’s vision of a new America defied his present reality (1963 – Jim Crow laws and segregation) and tested our country’s moral character and faith. However, Dr. King understood the wisdom of Solomon, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” (NRSV, Proverbs 3:5-6)
“On Meet the Press” yesterday, the political pundit, Tavis Smiley remarked that Barack Obama’s election was “a down payment on Dr. King’s dream.” Maybe it is. However, I believe this moment in history is greater than that. For tomorrow shatters the ceilings that generations fought, died and marched to break through. And while the nerve-endings of our country are still exposed to racism and prejudice, today and tomorrow bring glimpses of a new hope and new possibilities.
Today, we honor Dr. King, Coretta Scott King and all the men and women who sacrificed for the cause of justice, freedom and equality. Tomorrow, the hopes and the dreams of Fredrick Douglas, Sojourner Truth, W.E. B. Dubois, Malcolm X, Dr. King, Rosa Parks, Fred Shuttlesworth, Ella Baker, A. Philip Randolph, Bayard Rustin, Hosea Williams, Stockely Carmichael, your parents and your grandparents, my people and millions of people around the world will be actualized.
Today, we pause to remember Dr. King and we eagerly anticipate what tomorrow will bring. But today, we also prepare ourselves to strive for excellence, to sacrifice, to work, to save and to take our turn on the plow to end poverty, racism and sexism and to bring a sense of civility, cooperation and Christian love to this nation and to the world.
Today, my daughters and wife fly to Washington, D.C. to be a part of history. And tomorrow, my daughter, Madison, will witness the first Black person sworn in as President of the United States. For her, as long as she stays in relationship with Jesus Christ and within the will of God, there will be no more dreams deferred. Becoming President of the United States will not seem far-fetched to her; instead it will be her reality.
Hopefully, today marks the end of an era of divisive ideology in this country. And tomorrow, prayerfully we will all experience a glimpse of what Dr. King talked about in 1963, “when we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, "Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!" (Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. “I Have a Dream Speech,” Washington, D.C., 1963)