Scripture: Numbers 13-16
Numbers 13:1-4 The LORD said to Moses, “Send men to spy out the land of Canaan, which I am giving to the Israelites; from each of their ancestral tribes you shall send a man, every one a leader among them.” So Moses sent them from the wilderness of Paran, according to the command of the LORD, all of them leading men among the Israelites.
At the LORD’s command, Moses selects one man from each tribe to form a spying party and survey the land of Canaan. They returned forty days later having all seen the same thing, but with a divided opinion as to what it means. The majority opinion: [The people] are stronger than we.” The minority opinion: “We are well able to overcome it.” Disheartened and faithless, the people threatened to stone Moses and return to Egypt rather than face what seems to them certain death. God’s punishment upon their unbelief was severe; the punishment was one year of wilderness wandering for each day the spies were in the land and death in the wilderness for that entire generation. And yet, God would ultimately bring the next generation of Israelites into the Promised Land because the law he gave them contained instructions for living in the Promised Land. So, on the verge of entering a land promised to Abraham more than six centuries before, the Israelites were faced with the spies’ report. The land is good; it flows with milk and honey; it also overflows with fortified cities and giants! Obviously, there could be only one response that's “Let’s go!” because this land was promised by God and the only question should had been which direction we should go. Joshua and Caleb responded with faith: “Let’s go forward!” The other ten spies responded with their feelings: “Let’s go back to Egypt!” Majority opinion prevailed…and Israel traveled (traced) in circles in the desert for forty years. So this morning I'd like to ask you where is God stretching your faith today?” Is it let us go forward or let us go backward. Spy out your situation and make a list of what you see. Then ask yourself two questions: “How can I respond to this without faith? How shall I respond to this in faith?” Then do the thing that pleases God. We may not know what the future holds, but we do know who holds the future. We know who is the Alpha and the Omega; the beginning and the end and when we put our faith and trust in him whatever may be causing our wilderness experience right now cannot keep us. The idea of wilderness is seen as a dreadful experience and/or as “hate punishment” from God instead of in certain cases where the Spirit leads one there for a period of time. The scripture says that the children of Israel were wandering for forty years. We can see that the wilderness of our life has a definite time beginning and a definite time ending. For some people, this may be a couple of months while for others it would be for a couple of years. The beauty of the Christian journey is that we are walking with Christ. Sometimes, we will go through our wilderness but in the end, we will come out of the wilderness if we only believe and have faith. The wilderness experience is very critical to the current and future growth and development of the Christian. Faith and belief that God will deliver you and help you to make the transition from "things are not going to get better" to "let’s go forward". The wildernesses of the Old Testament consisted of barren lands and desert sands, the wildernesses of us may be the empty places of our hearts. Let us this morning praise God for grace and mercy. Because sometimes, we are guilty of seeing the ‘no’ to the point where we can not see what lies ahead of us at the end of the wilderness experience. Embracing the wilderness experience is what each and every one of us has to do at some point during the pursuit of Christian maturity. Your wilderness may be in the forms of financial, emotional, physical, relationships and even spiritual. If your situation seems as though your trials are never going to end, don’t give up, keep moving forward in the LORD and you will reach your promised land. Isaiah 40:3-4 says “In the wilderness prepare the way of the LORD; make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Every valley shall be lifted up, and every mountain and hill be made low; the uneven ground shall become level, and the rough places a plain.” Just because you are down does not mean you are out and best of all, it doesn’t mean that your situation will last forever. If you have experienced a loss of any kind – material possessions, a relationship, or a job – know that God will be there to comfort you through the process of healing – come out of the wilderness. God is a replenisher, and whatever you have lost, He can restore. It is his pleasure to bless us and it is our job to have faith no matter how big or strong the cities or giants we have or see. Pray, stand on the promises of God for your life and have faith. Come out of the Wilderness, let us go forward, Come Out of the Wilderness. Amen.
Numbers 13:1-4 The LORD said to Moses, “Send men to spy out the land of Canaan, which I am giving to the Israelites; from each of their ancestral tribes you shall send a man, every one a leader among them.” So Moses sent them from the wilderness of Paran, according to the command of the LORD, all of them leading men among the Israelites.
At the LORD’s command, Moses selects one man from each tribe to form a spying party and survey the land of Canaan. They returned forty days later having all seen the same thing, but with a divided opinion as to what it means. The majority opinion: [The people] are stronger than we.” The minority opinion: “We are well able to overcome it.” Disheartened and faithless, the people threatened to stone Moses and return to Egypt rather than face what seems to them certain death. God’s punishment upon their unbelief was severe; the punishment was one year of wilderness wandering for each day the spies were in the land and death in the wilderness for that entire generation. And yet, God would ultimately bring the next generation of Israelites into the Promised Land because the law he gave them contained instructions for living in the Promised Land. So, on the verge of entering a land promised to Abraham more than six centuries before, the Israelites were faced with the spies’ report. The land is good; it flows with milk and honey; it also overflows with fortified cities and giants! Obviously, there could be only one response that's “Let’s go!” because this land was promised by God and the only question should had been which direction we should go. Joshua and Caleb responded with faith: “Let’s go forward!” The other ten spies responded with their feelings: “Let’s go back to Egypt!” Majority opinion prevailed…and Israel traveled (traced) in circles in the desert for forty years. So this morning I'd like to ask you where is God stretching your faith today?” Is it let us go forward or let us go backward. Spy out your situation and make a list of what you see. Then ask yourself two questions: “How can I respond to this without faith? How shall I respond to this in faith?” Then do the thing that pleases God. We may not know what the future holds, but we do know who holds the future. We know who is the Alpha and the Omega; the beginning and the end and when we put our faith and trust in him whatever may be causing our wilderness experience right now cannot keep us. The idea of wilderness is seen as a dreadful experience and/or as “hate punishment” from God instead of in certain cases where the Spirit leads one there for a period of time. The scripture says that the children of Israel were wandering for forty years. We can see that the wilderness of our life has a definite time beginning and a definite time ending. For some people, this may be a couple of months while for others it would be for a couple of years. The beauty of the Christian journey is that we are walking with Christ. Sometimes, we will go through our wilderness but in the end, we will come out of the wilderness if we only believe and have faith. The wilderness experience is very critical to the current and future growth and development of the Christian. Faith and belief that God will deliver you and help you to make the transition from "things are not going to get better" to "let’s go forward". The wildernesses of the Old Testament consisted of barren lands and desert sands, the wildernesses of us may be the empty places of our hearts. Let us this morning praise God for grace and mercy. Because sometimes, we are guilty of seeing the ‘no’ to the point where we can not see what lies ahead of us at the end of the wilderness experience. Embracing the wilderness experience is what each and every one of us has to do at some point during the pursuit of Christian maturity. Your wilderness may be in the forms of financial, emotional, physical, relationships and even spiritual. If your situation seems as though your trials are never going to end, don’t give up, keep moving forward in the LORD and you will reach your promised land. Isaiah 40:3-4 says “In the wilderness prepare the way of the LORD; make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Every valley shall be lifted up, and every mountain and hill be made low; the uneven ground shall become level, and the rough places a plain.” Just because you are down does not mean you are out and best of all, it doesn’t mean that your situation will last forever. If you have experienced a loss of any kind – material possessions, a relationship, or a job – know that God will be there to comfort you through the process of healing – come out of the wilderness. God is a replenisher, and whatever you have lost, He can restore. It is his pleasure to bless us and it is our job to have faith no matter how big or strong the cities or giants we have or see. Pray, stand on the promises of God for your life and have faith. Come out of the Wilderness, let us go forward, Come Out of the Wilderness. Amen.