Proverbs 16:3 Commit to the Lord whatever you do and your plans will succeed.
Again this week I would like to focus on our Wednesday Morning Prayer Conferences. We have been lifting up different prayers about different concerns that we are going through. I know that there is a human behavior that after several times praying and requesting help from God we might decide to give up (God just won’t answer our prayers), but this morning I want to continue to encourage hope, peace and trust in our Heavenly Father that is DON’T GIVE UP. TRUST GOD!
1 John 5:14-15 tells us This is the confidence we have in approaching God; that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us –whatever we ask - we know that we have what we asked of him. The Lord promises to guide us when we pray according to His will. Psalm 83 says O God, do not keep silence; do not hold your peace or be still, O God. Satan wants us to dwell on our negative feelings of rejection, abandonment, loneliness. "I'm not ever going to get a job, I am about to lose everything, my children won’t straighten out, there is no hope, my marriage is about to be destroyed with divorce, my boss is waiting for me to make a mistake so he/she will have a reason to fire me, why did this have to happen to me and I am at my wits end". Satan wants these negative thoughts to grow. The positive side is to keep sending resumes for a job, keep talking to your children and praying for them, seek counseling with your marriage problem, and seek financial advise on how to handle whatever amount of money you may have and be very conscious of your spending. We can’t always avoid antagonistic feelings, but we can control how we react to them. So, in our world that is full of injustice, being hurt when friends and family betray our confidence, and harm those we love; we get to a point that we want to give up. Romans 8:28 reminds us as believers of God to trust God and He will work for our good in every situation and circumstance. So again this morning, I want to remind us that you and I can choose to respond to these powerful emotions not in a negative way but in a way that will honor the Lord. The Holy Spirit within us enables us to endure and run on with life's consequences, so wrap yourself in the arms of the Lord. Psalms 55:16-17 says: But I call upon God, and the Lord will save me. Evening and morning and at noon I utter my complaint and moan, and he will hear my voice. We must remain faithful and trust God to deliver us. In a very real sense, our unmet need is a form of trial and temptation. It is a trial because its lack of fulfillment can feel truly painful, and it is a temptation because it urges us to turn away from God to meet our own need. But James 1:12 says Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him. So what are you to do when the delay goes on, the pressure to give up increases, and you feel weary of beating yourself up with false guilt that everything is your fault. This may sound redundant, but keep your eyes on the Lord and follow Him – no matter what. James 1:4 tells us that the testing of our faith leads to perseverance, which works to make us perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. So keep your faith in the Lord and your unwavering trust will lead you to profound results. Get on your knees before the Lord and pour out your heart. Spend time prayerfully reading His word. And, listen to his voice with specific guidance for your life. Phil 4:6-7 tells us that God’s word promises us peace if we will give God our worries and trust in Him. I know this sometimes seems hard to do with whatever you are going through. But I am a witness this morning if you wrap yourself in the Lord, His grace and mercy will protect you and sustain you. The words of T. D. Jakes, “your down time is your prep time for what he is about to be release in your life; God allows you to have a winter because your summer is coming in your life.” When you feel that everything is out of control, God is allowing you to have preparation time to become stronger in Him so to be ready for the breakthrough that you are about to receive; DON’T GIVE UP. TRUST GOD! The old Saints sing I will trust in the Lord, I will trust in the Lord, I will trust in the Lord until I die, I will trust in the Lord, I will trust in the Lord, I will trust in the Lord until I die. So keep trusting in God because He will not leave you or forsake you DON’T GIVE UP. TRUST GOD! AMEN.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
The Breakthrough Moment with Rev. Bernese Shaw (9/21) - "LORD, HOW LONG?"
Luke 11:10 For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who searches finds, and for everyone who knocks, the door will be opened. NRSV
During our Wednesday Morning Prayer Conference, we have prayed many times for different ones to find a job, to be healed and for transition of loved ones as they journey to the arms of the Lord; each time the emphasis was wait on God. But as time moves on, sometimes anxious will raise it’s ugly head and cause us to ask the question, Lord how long before I will find a job with all the bills that I have, Lord how long before my house goes into foreclosure, how long must I keep from being healed and how long must my loved one have to wait before you take him or her home to be with you. So the old saying just wait on the LORD is the advice you have probably heard so much that it has become a cliché. I believe there are no coincidences when it comes to God’s timing. We may not know exactly what He is doing at the time (and we may never know), but He knows at all times. So, in order to grow as believers, you and I must learn to wait on the Lord and stand on His promises. Isaiah 40:31 but those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. When we surrender to His timing, God does mighty things in and for us, according to His will and His timing. God acts on behalf of those who wait for Him. In other words, we must allow His timing and not on our own agenda to guide our lives. Psalms 25:3 tells us those who obey Him ultimately won’t suffer shame [Do not let those who wait for you be put to shame]. And, Psalm 37:34 tells us Wait for the Lord, and keep to his way as a result of surrendering to His timing in faith and when we do, we can expect His very best.
I know when you are down to your last dime, you feel that you need to be able to pay your bills is very hard, but waiting for the Lord teaches us to rely on Him. If every prayer were answered immediately, we might never learn to trust God. Waiting for the Lord prepares us to have an impact on others because when you wait on God’s timing, you can be an awesome testimony of the Lord’s faithfulness. Waiting on the Lord requires patience which is simply the will to wait resting in the Lord. When we wait on the Lord you and I must listen for instructions from the Lord instead of rushing ahead with our solution or agenda. Waiting requires that we calmly accept the Lord’s work in our lives. Some of us may have to surrender what seems like an immediate need and resist the temptation to set our own timeline. Waiting on Him is purposeful anticipation that God will accomplish what He promises. So the answer to the question this morning "Lord how long?" is in God’s timing not ours. The scripture this morning tells us if we stay on our knees and what we ask for if it is the Lord’s will, it will be given in God’s timing because He has His hand on you and me so just keep praying because He will provide. Waiting on the Lord is a choice we make because when we walk away from Him, we forfeit the Lord’s best that may even result in disaster. In other words, we can allow disappointment to destroy our fellowship with the Father. So Lord how long not long but in God’s timing. If you put your troubles and burdens in the Lord’s hands there will be peace in the midst of storm because you know that God will provide. God will sustain, God will protect and God will be your stronghold when you feel that there is nothing else there to hold you up. Lord how long, not long just wait for the Lord and he will provide. Amen.
During our Wednesday Morning Prayer Conference, we have prayed many times for different ones to find a job, to be healed and for transition of loved ones as they journey to the arms of the Lord; each time the emphasis was wait on God. But as time moves on, sometimes anxious will raise it’s ugly head and cause us to ask the question, Lord how long before I will find a job with all the bills that I have, Lord how long before my house goes into foreclosure, how long must I keep from being healed and how long must my loved one have to wait before you take him or her home to be with you. So the old saying just wait on the LORD is the advice you have probably heard so much that it has become a cliché. I believe there are no coincidences when it comes to God’s timing. We may not know exactly what He is doing at the time (and we may never know), but He knows at all times. So, in order to grow as believers, you and I must learn to wait on the Lord and stand on His promises. Isaiah 40:31 but those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. When we surrender to His timing, God does mighty things in and for us, according to His will and His timing. God acts on behalf of those who wait for Him. In other words, we must allow His timing and not on our own agenda to guide our lives. Psalms 25:3 tells us those who obey Him ultimately won’t suffer shame [Do not let those who wait for you be put to shame]. And, Psalm 37:34 tells us Wait for the Lord, and keep to his way as a result of surrendering to His timing in faith and when we do, we can expect His very best.
I know when you are down to your last dime, you feel that you need to be able to pay your bills is very hard, but waiting for the Lord teaches us to rely on Him. If every prayer were answered immediately, we might never learn to trust God. Waiting for the Lord prepares us to have an impact on others because when you wait on God’s timing, you can be an awesome testimony of the Lord’s faithfulness. Waiting on the Lord requires patience which is simply the will to wait resting in the Lord. When we wait on the Lord you and I must listen for instructions from the Lord instead of rushing ahead with our solution or agenda. Waiting requires that we calmly accept the Lord’s work in our lives. Some of us may have to surrender what seems like an immediate need and resist the temptation to set our own timeline. Waiting on Him is purposeful anticipation that God will accomplish what He promises. So the answer to the question this morning "Lord how long?" is in God’s timing not ours. The scripture this morning tells us if we stay on our knees and what we ask for if it is the Lord’s will, it will be given in God’s timing because He has His hand on you and me so just keep praying because He will provide. Waiting on the Lord is a choice we make because when we walk away from Him, we forfeit the Lord’s best that may even result in disaster. In other words, we can allow disappointment to destroy our fellowship with the Father. So Lord how long not long but in God’s timing. If you put your troubles and burdens in the Lord’s hands there will be peace in the midst of storm because you know that God will provide. God will sustain, God will protect and God will be your stronghold when you feel that there is nothing else there to hold you up. Lord how long, not long just wait for the Lord and he will provide. Amen.
The Breakthrough Moment with Rev. Bernese Shaw (9/14) - "What is Your Focus"
NRSV Philippians 4:11-13 Not that I am referring to being in need; for I have learned to be content with whatever I have. I know what it is to have little, and I know what it is to have plenty. In any and all circumstances I have learned the secret of being well-fed and of going hungry, of having plenty and of being in need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me.
On last week-end with September 11th, America’s focus was on not forgetting what happened on September 11, 2001. For most of us, we might spend our time focus on how to change our circumstances. Our circumstances could be not having a job, more bills than money, a bad relationship, being unhappy at work, our children, health problems and so on, so on. You go to bed thinking of your problems and wake up worrying about them and feeling trapped under them. When things are out of our control, it is then we have to make a choice to live under the weight of our troubles or to rise above them and become better people. Our scripture that was read is from Apostle Paul writing to the Philippians while he was in jail. Paul did not always know how to find peace and joy in every situation, but he learned how to be content in every situation (we too must learn how to be content in every situation). He learned to focus on Christ instead of the circumstances, dwell on the sovereignty of God, and consider the positive results rather than simply the pain and loss. In other words, Paul chose to dwell on the power and character of our Lord despite the suffering he experienced. He could rejoice in his imprisonment because it allowed him the continued opportunity to share the gospel. We too can take the pain and hurt from our situation and witness to someone about the goodness of God. Because we won’t always understand why He is allowing us to suffer, in Isaiah 55:8-9 God says For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. But we have the Lord’s promise that if we surrender to Him, He will use our trials and pain for our ultimate good. The Father knows our needs even before we ask. Matthew 6:8 says … for your Father knows what you need before you ask him., so we can trust that even in times of adversity, He is still working in our lives; Philippians 2:13 says for it is God who is at work in you, enabling you both to will and to work for his good pleasure. In fact, the more difficult life becomes, the more serious you and I become about listening to what the Lord is saying to us, we learn to call on Our Heavenly Father. Through hardship, He opens our spiritual eyes to see truth that we have never seen before. Instead of asking God why He allowed hardship, ask Him what you can learn from it. The only way you and I can rise above painful circumstances is if we will raise our focus to the One who holds the universe in His hands. Setting our eyes on the Lord Jesus and his matchless incredible power lifts our spirits when nothing else can. Today, surrender your life fully to the Lord, seek His face on how to respond to difficult situations, and if you believe, He will work powerfully in your life. So when life is difficult, I pray that you will choose to keep focus on Jesus in His awesome authority, power, and sovereignty. Trust that He will do something good within you and through you. As you go through this day keep your eyes focused on Jesus and hum that old gospel hymn in your heart: My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus’ name. When darkness veils His lovely face, I rest on His unchanging grace [because God’s grace and mercy do not change]; If you keep your eyes on Jesus In every high and stormy gale My anchor holds within the veil [because] On Christ, the solid rock, I stand all other ground is sinking sand; All other ground is sinking sand. AMEN.
On last week-end with September 11th, America’s focus was on not forgetting what happened on September 11, 2001. For most of us, we might spend our time focus on how to change our circumstances. Our circumstances could be not having a job, more bills than money, a bad relationship, being unhappy at work, our children, health problems and so on, so on. You go to bed thinking of your problems and wake up worrying about them and feeling trapped under them. When things are out of our control, it is then we have to make a choice to live under the weight of our troubles or to rise above them and become better people. Our scripture that was read is from Apostle Paul writing to the Philippians while he was in jail. Paul did not always know how to find peace and joy in every situation, but he learned how to be content in every situation (we too must learn how to be content in every situation). He learned to focus on Christ instead of the circumstances, dwell on the sovereignty of God, and consider the positive results rather than simply the pain and loss. In other words, Paul chose to dwell on the power and character of our Lord despite the suffering he experienced. He could rejoice in his imprisonment because it allowed him the continued opportunity to share the gospel. We too can take the pain and hurt from our situation and witness to someone about the goodness of God. Because we won’t always understand why He is allowing us to suffer, in Isaiah 55:8-9 God says For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. But we have the Lord’s promise that if we surrender to Him, He will use our trials and pain for our ultimate good. The Father knows our needs even before we ask. Matthew 6:8 says … for your Father knows what you need before you ask him., so we can trust that even in times of adversity, He is still working in our lives; Philippians 2:13 says for it is God who is at work in you, enabling you both to will and to work for his good pleasure. In fact, the more difficult life becomes, the more serious you and I become about listening to what the Lord is saying to us, we learn to call on Our Heavenly Father. Through hardship, He opens our spiritual eyes to see truth that we have never seen before. Instead of asking God why He allowed hardship, ask Him what you can learn from it. The only way you and I can rise above painful circumstances is if we will raise our focus to the One who holds the universe in His hands. Setting our eyes on the Lord Jesus and his matchless incredible power lifts our spirits when nothing else can. Today, surrender your life fully to the Lord, seek His face on how to respond to difficult situations, and if you believe, He will work powerfully in your life. So when life is difficult, I pray that you will choose to keep focus on Jesus in His awesome authority, power, and sovereignty. Trust that He will do something good within you and through you. As you go through this day keep your eyes focused on Jesus and hum that old gospel hymn in your heart: My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus’ name. When darkness veils His lovely face, I rest on His unchanging grace [because God’s grace and mercy do not change]; If you keep your eyes on Jesus In every high and stormy gale My anchor holds within the veil [because] On Christ, the solid rock, I stand all other ground is sinking sand; All other ground is sinking sand. AMEN.
Friday, September 9, 2011
The Breakthrough Moment by Rev. Bernese Shaw - "I've Been Changed"
Ephesians 4:31-32 NIV Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.
NRSV Put away from you all bitterness and wrath and anger and wrangling and slander, together will all malice, and be kind to one another, as God in Christ has forgiven you.
Last week we talked about It’s Time to Move On! Today in order to move on, we have to be changed from the past so, I would like for us to meditate about I'VE BEEN CHANGED. I know that we all have heard the old cliché’, “Time heals all wounds”. Sometimes that statement is true and at other times, we feel that statement is not. We all possibly have experienced someone or something that has hurt us and caused us seemingly irreparable damage. It doesn’t matter if it happened years ago, last week, or just the other day, the pain of the past seems to go on forever and it seems as though the pain will not go away. Sometimes we may feel that we will never get over the hurt or forgive the person for causing us so much pain, but the truth is unless we find it in our hearts to forgive, God won’t forgive us our sins. Matthew 6:15 says, but if you do not forgive others, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. Also, when you pray the Lord’s Prayer asking our Heavenly Father to “forgive us our debts/trespasses as we also have forgiven our debtors/trespassers" accordingly to teaching of Jesus in Matt. 6:12. Some of the bitterness that we might hang onto could be betrayal by a family member, betrayal by a co-worker, betrayal by someone in the church, or your spouse could have cheated on you with someone else or you could have been the one that caused the betrayal/pain. There could be a multitude of scenarios but we all make mistakes, so, hanging onto one or all of these bitterness’s will only hinder you from receiving your blessing since our God is in the blessing business! Remember, Romans 3:23 tells us that we’ve all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. We all have hurt someone intentionally or un-intentionally so if the Lord can forgive us of our trespasses, we can forgive others. Forgiving is not an easy thing to do, and it won’t happen overnight. It may be years before your heart won’t hurt anymore over the situation. But, I promise if you stay on your knees, stay in God’s Word and keep living, the day will come. Forgiveness is more for you than the other person because of the other person is going on with his or her life. It is you who has to be changed; it is you who has to forgive in order for Our Father to forgive us of our trespasses. Mark 11:25 says When you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone; forgive him/her, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you [of] your sins. It has been written, We all have harbored unforgiveness toward someone at one time or another and that is not a good feeling. Time after time when you think about what the other person has done to you, you may get angry over and over again just thinking about what that person has done to you. You might sincerely want to forgive and it seems as though forgiveness won’t come, let me tell you this morning that it will take time but it will come. Unforgiveness and bitterness can eat you alive causing all kind of health problems and stop your spiritual growth; it can be as poison slowly eating away in your system. So take this day, this second, and think about someone who has wronged you. Then say a prayer for that person and ask God to bless him or her. Release the bitterness/resentment in Jesus’ name and forgive them as Christ forgives you. So as you forgive, you become a new person. We all say that we are Christian (Christ like), in Christ there is no hatred, bitterness, rage and anger. When you are in Christ you have become a new person and you have been changed. You may have to get out your pen and paper and write out to God what you want to be released from and give the letter (pain and resentment) to God and watch how your releasment comes into fruition. Remember, 2 Corinthians 5:17 says if any man/woman be in Christ, he/she is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things become new. James Hall sings I’m Not the Same I’m Not the Same I have been changed since the Lord saved me. Born of His Spirit, I’ve been washed in His blood. I have a new life with Him, I’m glad He changed me, I’m not what I use to be I’m not the same. Changed, Oh I’ve been changed, I’ve been changed… I will conclude this morning with a question have you been changed? Have you been saved by His love and washed by His blood? Have you been changed? If you have been changed by the scripture be kind and compassionate to one another forgiving each other, just as in Christ, God forgave you then you can sing/say I’ve Been Changed by His grace and mercy. I’ve been Changed. AMEN.
NRSV Put away from you all bitterness and wrath and anger and wrangling and slander, together will all malice, and be kind to one another, as God in Christ has forgiven you.
Last week we talked about It’s Time to Move On! Today in order to move on, we have to be changed from the past so, I would like for us to meditate about I'VE BEEN CHANGED. I know that we all have heard the old cliché’, “Time heals all wounds”. Sometimes that statement is true and at other times, we feel that statement is not. We all possibly have experienced someone or something that has hurt us and caused us seemingly irreparable damage. It doesn’t matter if it happened years ago, last week, or just the other day, the pain of the past seems to go on forever and it seems as though the pain will not go away. Sometimes we may feel that we will never get over the hurt or forgive the person for causing us so much pain, but the truth is unless we find it in our hearts to forgive, God won’t forgive us our sins. Matthew 6:15 says, but if you do not forgive others, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. Also, when you pray the Lord’s Prayer asking our Heavenly Father to “forgive us our debts/trespasses as we also have forgiven our debtors/trespassers" accordingly to teaching of Jesus in Matt. 6:12. Some of the bitterness that we might hang onto could be betrayal by a family member, betrayal by a co-worker, betrayal by someone in the church, or your spouse could have cheated on you with someone else or you could have been the one that caused the betrayal/pain. There could be a multitude of scenarios but we all make mistakes, so, hanging onto one or all of these bitterness’s will only hinder you from receiving your blessing since our God is in the blessing business! Remember, Romans 3:23 tells us that we’ve all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. We all have hurt someone intentionally or un-intentionally so if the Lord can forgive us of our trespasses, we can forgive others. Forgiving is not an easy thing to do, and it won’t happen overnight. It may be years before your heart won’t hurt anymore over the situation. But, I promise if you stay on your knees, stay in God’s Word and keep living, the day will come. Forgiveness is more for you than the other person because of the other person is going on with his or her life. It is you who has to be changed; it is you who has to forgive in order for Our Father to forgive us of our trespasses. Mark 11:25 says When you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone; forgive him/her, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you [of] your sins. It has been written, We all have harbored unforgiveness toward someone at one time or another and that is not a good feeling. Time after time when you think about what the other person has done to you, you may get angry over and over again just thinking about what that person has done to you. You might sincerely want to forgive and it seems as though forgiveness won’t come, let me tell you this morning that it will take time but it will come. Unforgiveness and bitterness can eat you alive causing all kind of health problems and stop your spiritual growth; it can be as poison slowly eating away in your system. So take this day, this second, and think about someone who has wronged you. Then say a prayer for that person and ask God to bless him or her. Release the bitterness/resentment in Jesus’ name and forgive them as Christ forgives you. So as you forgive, you become a new person. We all say that we are Christian (Christ like), in Christ there is no hatred, bitterness, rage and anger. When you are in Christ you have become a new person and you have been changed. You may have to get out your pen and paper and write out to God what you want to be released from and give the letter (pain and resentment) to God and watch how your releasment comes into fruition. Remember, 2 Corinthians 5:17 says if any man/woman be in Christ, he/she is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things become new. James Hall sings I’m Not the Same I’m Not the Same I have been changed since the Lord saved me. Born of His Spirit, I’ve been washed in His blood. I have a new life with Him, I’m glad He changed me, I’m not what I use to be I’m not the same. Changed, Oh I’ve been changed, I’ve been changed… I will conclude this morning with a question have you been changed? Have you been saved by His love and washed by His blood? Have you been changed? If you have been changed by the scripture be kind and compassionate to one another forgiving each other, just as in Christ, God forgave you then you can sing/say I’ve Been Changed by His grace and mercy. I’ve been Changed. AMEN.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
It's Time to Move On by Rev. Bernese Shaw
NRSV Isaiah 43:18-19 Do not remember the former things or consider the things of old. I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.
Like Hurricane Irene that just hit the Eastern Shore with its winds and rain, moved from NC to Canada, sometimes in life it is time for us to just move on through whatever mistakes we have made in life because we will try to explain, blame (it is because of someone else or it was the other person’s fault) or find whatever excuse we can. There is an old saying that “everybody makes mistakes that’s why there are erasers on pencils!” So why do we agonize over our past mistakes and missteps? Is it because of guilt, embarrassment, shame, and/or remorse? Whatever the reason, God wants us to admit our mistakes – admit to Him our wrong doings (like King David, who made more mistake than him), learn from them, and then forget them. In this life, you will make so many mistakes during the course of your lifetime that you will never be able to count them all anyway. There is not a righteous man on earth who does what is right and never sins, Ecclesiastes 7:20. So why keep a running tally? Thank God He does not hold our sins and mistakes against us, Psalm 130:3 says If you, O LORD, kept a record of sins, O LORD, who could stand? We are all guilty of mistakes. Some are more grievous than others, and the repercussions and consequences are different. But don’t let pass mistakes hold your spirit hostage. If you make a mistake, fix it if you can, apologize if it is necessary, and move on. People may not forgive you, but God will. Therefore, do not let the mistakes and missteps of the past hold you. Press onward and upward toward the heavenly prize and keep your eye and thoughts on Jesus. So don’t let your old lifestyle hold you hostage. Philippians 3:13 says One thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead. The past is the past no matter how you may want to go back and make things right. This day, take up your cross wherever you are now and run on. God wants us to move ahead despite our faults and shortcomings. He said in Micah 7:19 that he will throw our sins into the depths of the sea. Sometimes people want to remind you of who you used to be and during this time when people look down on you remember that Romans 3:23 says All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. So don’t worry about your past life, everyone has one. Once you commit your life to Christ, you are a new creation 2 Cor 5:17 says If any man/woman be in Christ, he/she is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. You have to remember this as you start a new start because folks want to constantly put you down when you are trying to do what is right. It is easy to get discouraged and want to give up (in your personal life or on your job), but you must turn a deaf ear to the naysayers and their criticisms; just turn it over to God. Remember, your God/our God is a restorer, He repairs, your God/our God is bigger than any adversary and doesn’t want you to wallow in the past. A good example of this is Saul’s conversion to Paul in the book of Act chapter 9; who killed/persecuted Jesus/Christians before his conversion, but our God used this sinner for His Glory and our God can do the same with us. During moments of self-pity and self doubts, it is easy to dig up skeletons from the past but cast those thoughts into the sea of forgiveness. So, spend some time in prayer, reading the Word, and in meditation with God and just ask God for forgiveness of your mistakes, forgive yourself (let me say that again, forgive yourself), and move on. You have great things to do for God, and He needs you to carry them out and walk in his light every day. Live fully in the present so God can bring about your bright future in the Him. William McDowell sings “I won’t go back. I have been changed, healed, free and delivered. I have joy, peace, grace and favor. Right now is the moment, today is the day. I have been changed and I have waited; I have waited for this moment to come and I won’t let it pass because I won’t go back, can’t go back to the way it use to be before your presence came and changed me. All my shames, guilt, sins have been forgiven… I won’t go back, can’t go back to the way it use to be”. IT’S TIME TO MOVE ON - Amen.
Like Hurricane Irene that just hit the Eastern Shore with its winds and rain, moved from NC to Canada, sometimes in life it is time for us to just move on through whatever mistakes we have made in life because we will try to explain, blame (it is because of someone else or it was the other person’s fault) or find whatever excuse we can. There is an old saying that “everybody makes mistakes that’s why there are erasers on pencils!” So why do we agonize over our past mistakes and missteps? Is it because of guilt, embarrassment, shame, and/or remorse? Whatever the reason, God wants us to admit our mistakes – admit to Him our wrong doings (like King David, who made more mistake than him), learn from them, and then forget them. In this life, you will make so many mistakes during the course of your lifetime that you will never be able to count them all anyway. There is not a righteous man on earth who does what is right and never sins, Ecclesiastes 7:20. So why keep a running tally? Thank God He does not hold our sins and mistakes against us, Psalm 130:3 says If you, O LORD, kept a record of sins, O LORD, who could stand? We are all guilty of mistakes. Some are more grievous than others, and the repercussions and consequences are different. But don’t let pass mistakes hold your spirit hostage. If you make a mistake, fix it if you can, apologize if it is necessary, and move on. People may not forgive you, but God will. Therefore, do not let the mistakes and missteps of the past hold you. Press onward and upward toward the heavenly prize and keep your eye and thoughts on Jesus. So don’t let your old lifestyle hold you hostage. Philippians 3:13 says One thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead. The past is the past no matter how you may want to go back and make things right. This day, take up your cross wherever you are now and run on. God wants us to move ahead despite our faults and shortcomings. He said in Micah 7:19 that he will throw our sins into the depths of the sea. Sometimes people want to remind you of who you used to be and during this time when people look down on you remember that Romans 3:23 says All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. So don’t worry about your past life, everyone has one. Once you commit your life to Christ, you are a new creation 2 Cor 5:17 says If any man/woman be in Christ, he/she is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. You have to remember this as you start a new start because folks want to constantly put you down when you are trying to do what is right. It is easy to get discouraged and want to give up (in your personal life or on your job), but you must turn a deaf ear to the naysayers and their criticisms; just turn it over to God. Remember, your God/our God is a restorer, He repairs, your God/our God is bigger than any adversary and doesn’t want you to wallow in the past. A good example of this is Saul’s conversion to Paul in the book of Act chapter 9; who killed/persecuted Jesus/Christians before his conversion, but our God used this sinner for His Glory and our God can do the same with us. During moments of self-pity and self doubts, it is easy to dig up skeletons from the past but cast those thoughts into the sea of forgiveness. So, spend some time in prayer, reading the Word, and in meditation with God and just ask God for forgiveness of your mistakes, forgive yourself (let me say that again, forgive yourself), and move on. You have great things to do for God, and He needs you to carry them out and walk in his light every day. Live fully in the present so God can bring about your bright future in the Him. William McDowell sings “I won’t go back. I have been changed, healed, free and delivered. I have joy, peace, grace and favor. Right now is the moment, today is the day. I have been changed and I have waited; I have waited for this moment to come and I won’t let it pass because I won’t go back, can’t go back to the way it use to be before your presence came and changed me. All my shames, guilt, sins have been forgiven… I won’t go back, can’t go back to the way it use to be”. IT’S TIME TO MOVE ON - Amen.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
The Breakthrough Moment: It's Time To Move On! by Rev. Bernese Shaw
NRSV Isaiah 43:18-19 Do not remember the former things or consider the things of old. I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.
Like Hurricane Irene that just hit the Eastern Shore with its’ winds and rain moved from NC to Canada, sometimes in life it is time for us to just move on through whatever mistakes we have made in life because we will try to explain, blame (it is because of someone else or it was the other person fault) or find whatever excuse we can. There is an old saying that “everybody makes mistakes that’s why there are erasers on pencils!” So why do we agonize over our past mistakes and missteps? Is it because of guilt, embarrassment, shame, or/and remorse. Whatever the reason, God wants us to admit our mistakes – admit to Him of our wrong doings (like King David, who made more mistake than him), learn from them, and then forget them. In this life, you will make so many mistakes during the course of your lifetime that you will never be able to count them all anyway. There is not a righteous man on earth who does what is right and never sins Ecclesiastes 7:20 So why keep a running tally? Thank God he does not hold our sins and mistakes against us, Psalm 130:3 says If you, O LORD, kept a record of sins, O LORD, who could stand? We are all guilty of mistakes. Some are more grievous than others, and the repercussions and consequences are different. But don’t let pass mistakes hold you as a spirit hostage. If you make a mistake, fix it if you can, apologize if it is necessary, and move on. People may not forgive you, but God will. Therefore, do not let the mistakes and missteps of the past hold you. Press onward and upward toward the heavenly prize and keep your eye and thoughts on Jesus. So don’t let you old lifestyle hold you hostage. Philippians 3:13 says One thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead. The past is the past no matter how you may want to go back and make things right. This day, take up your cross whenever you are now and run on. God wants us to move ahead despite our faults and shortcomings. He said in Micah 7:19 that he will throw our sins into the depths of the sea. Sometimes people want to remind you of who you used to be and during this time when people look down on you remember that Roman 3:23 says All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. So don’t worry about your past life, everyone has one. Once you commit your life to Christ, you are a new creation 2 Cor 5:17 says If any man/woman be in Christ, he/she is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. You have to remember this as you start a new start because folks want to constantly put you down when you are trying to do what is right. It is easy to get discouraged and want to give up (in your personal life or on your job), but you must turn a deaf ear to the naysayers and their criticisms; just turn it over to God. Remember, your God/our God is a restorer, He repairs, your God/our God is bigger than any adversary and doesn’t want you to wallow in the past. A good example of this is Saul conversion to Paul in the book of Act chapter 9; who killed/persecuted Jesus/Christians before his conversion, but our God used this sinner for His Glory and our God can do the same with us. During moments of self-pity and self doubts, it is easy to dig up skeletons from the past but cast those thoughts into the sea of forgiveness. So, spent some time with in prayer, reading the Word, and in meditation with God and just ask God for forgiveness of your mistakes, forgive yourself (let me say that again, forgive yourself), and move on. You have greatest things to do for God, and he need you to carry them out and walk in his light everyday. Live fully in the present so God can bring about your bright future in the Him. William McDowell sings I won’t go back. I have been changed, healed, free and delivered. I have joy, peace, grace and favor. Right now is the moment, today is the day. I have been changed and I have waited; I have waited for this moment to come and I won’t let it pass because I won’t go back, can’t go back to the way it use to be before your presence came and changed me. All my shames, guilt, sins have been forgiven… I won’t go back, can’t go back to the way it use to be. IT’S TIME TO MOVE ON - Amen.
Like Hurricane Irene that just hit the Eastern Shore with its’ winds and rain moved from NC to Canada, sometimes in life it is time for us to just move on through whatever mistakes we have made in life because we will try to explain, blame (it is because of someone else or it was the other person fault) or find whatever excuse we can. There is an old saying that “everybody makes mistakes that’s why there are erasers on pencils!” So why do we agonize over our past mistakes and missteps? Is it because of guilt, embarrassment, shame, or/and remorse. Whatever the reason, God wants us to admit our mistakes – admit to Him of our wrong doings (like King David, who made more mistake than him), learn from them, and then forget them. In this life, you will make so many mistakes during the course of your lifetime that you will never be able to count them all anyway. There is not a righteous man on earth who does what is right and never sins Ecclesiastes 7:20 So why keep a running tally? Thank God he does not hold our sins and mistakes against us, Psalm 130:3 says If you, O LORD, kept a record of sins, O LORD, who could stand? We are all guilty of mistakes. Some are more grievous than others, and the repercussions and consequences are different. But don’t let pass mistakes hold you as a spirit hostage. If you make a mistake, fix it if you can, apologize if it is necessary, and move on. People may not forgive you, but God will. Therefore, do not let the mistakes and missteps of the past hold you. Press onward and upward toward the heavenly prize and keep your eye and thoughts on Jesus. So don’t let you old lifestyle hold you hostage. Philippians 3:13 says One thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead. The past is the past no matter how you may want to go back and make things right. This day, take up your cross whenever you are now and run on. God wants us to move ahead despite our faults and shortcomings. He said in Micah 7:19 that he will throw our sins into the depths of the sea. Sometimes people want to remind you of who you used to be and during this time when people look down on you remember that Roman 3:23 says All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. So don’t worry about your past life, everyone has one. Once you commit your life to Christ, you are a new creation 2 Cor 5:17 says If any man/woman be in Christ, he/she is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. You have to remember this as you start a new start because folks want to constantly put you down when you are trying to do what is right. It is easy to get discouraged and want to give up (in your personal life or on your job), but you must turn a deaf ear to the naysayers and their criticisms; just turn it over to God. Remember, your God/our God is a restorer, He repairs, your God/our God is bigger than any adversary and doesn’t want you to wallow in the past. A good example of this is Saul conversion to Paul in the book of Act chapter 9; who killed/persecuted Jesus/Christians before his conversion, but our God used this sinner for His Glory and our God can do the same with us. During moments of self-pity and self doubts, it is easy to dig up skeletons from the past but cast those thoughts into the sea of forgiveness. So, spent some time with in prayer, reading the Word, and in meditation with God and just ask God for forgiveness of your mistakes, forgive yourself (let me say that again, forgive yourself), and move on. You have greatest things to do for God, and he need you to carry them out and walk in his light everyday. Live fully in the present so God can bring about your bright future in the Him. William McDowell sings I won’t go back. I have been changed, healed, free and delivered. I have joy, peace, grace and favor. Right now is the moment, today is the day. I have been changed and I have waited; I have waited for this moment to come and I won’t let it pass because I won’t go back, can’t go back to the way it use to be before your presence came and changed me. All my shames, guilt, sins have been forgiven… I won’t go back, can’t go back to the way it use to be. IT’S TIME TO MOVE ON - Amen.
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